Beauty Shot (Hope Parish Novels Book 5)
setting a rhythm I matched with my hips. If she’d
had any doubts before, she knew now what I wanted from her.
    I wasn’t
ignorant about what to do. I had read up on it. I had wanted to find
out how a woman responded to a man, what kinds of things turned them
on, and there was a wealth of information about it on the net. I paid
special attention to that soft, hot core of her that was the very
source of her pleasure.
going to take you upstairs. That damn elevator opens right into your
place. I don’t want to be caught with my pants down.”
    She giggled and I
smiled down into her face. I didn’t want to let her go, so with
a quick movement, I swept her up against me. Her eyes widened and she
laughed again, her face relaxed and so, so sweet. I went up the
stairs and kissed her when we hit the hall. I was still kissing her
when I entered her room.
    I was losing it.
Sinking into desire and confusion—and desire kept winning,
every second, every heartbeat.
    I wasn’t proud
of how I had behaved, what I had said to the press. I’d hurt
him and I’d never forget his eyes and how they had wrecked me.
I wished I could take it all back, but it wasn’t possible.
    When his lips lifted
from mine, I said, softly, “Again, I’m very sorry, Deke.”
he said with that devastating grin, and his mouth lowered again to
    I kept trying be
very peeved with him for being so irresistible. But what he was doing
with his mouth made anger a slippery emotion. The taste and smell of
him made a muddle out of my attempt to do the right thing. Who wanted
to be right when he was kissing me like this?
    I’d lasted
merely seconds when he looked at my mouth, but had truly been lost
the minute he’d said he’d been waiting for someone
    I was older than
Deke and thought we weren’t compatible, but he was changing
that every minute I was with him. He wanted me. He wanted me
passionately, with his tongue halfway down my throat, his hands all
over me, his breathing ragged. No rules, and nobody in control.
    The realization
added a dark thrill to the whole heart-stopping experience of having
Deke make love to my mouth. There was no other explanation of how he
was kissing me. It was beyond my experience, transcending even the
word. His slow, deliberate thrust of his tongue was simply
intimate-speak for something much more daring.
    He released me, let
me slide against all that brilliant muscle, and I groaned when he
trailed his hand up under my skirt, and a moment’s panic
stirred to life in my veins—too late. He had been unerring, his
hand moving between my legs, where he cupped me with his palm, and at
that point he knew as well as I just how much I wanted him.
    I had a moment of
doubt. Not because I thought he would be clumsy or inept, but because
he was so earnest, and I was so damned vulnerable, and everything I’d
worked for, everything Verity had worked for, was on the line here. I
didn’t want to be like Angela. I was too deeply into Deke to
pull away, especially when his fingers slowly slid beneath my panties
and began moving over me so very, very gently. The kiss came to a
sudden, heart-catching stop, leaving both of us standing very still,
breathing into each other’s mouths, hardly daring to move.
    “God, you are
so soft,” he murmured against my lips. “So beautiful.”
    His words were
hushed with emotion, charging my senses, and I knew the touch of his
hand would not be enough, would never be enough. I wanted him the way
I had him in my most carnal fantasies. I wanted him filling me up,
driving me to the satisfaction of release. I wanted him to make me
feel more like a woman than I had ever felt with a man my own age—and
had no doubts he would be even better.
    I felt the surrender
in her body, felt her soften against me in so many stirring ways, and
I knew the battle had been won, if there had even been a battle. She
was so feminine,

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