Beautiful Assassin
where she'd lived before; not
that my place was anything to sneeze at, but the Rossis were into some serious
shit. The place was like something out of an old Roman flick or some shit,
marble and gold, and her room was fucking huge.
    "You spend a lotta time here Mouth?"
    "When I was younger yeah, dad built it as sort of a getaway
for me but I haven't been since I was like sixteen, why?"
    I looked at her, fuck I'm gonna have to up my game, probably have
to gut the house or some shit, or maybe level it and start from scratch.
    "What're you thinking mob boy?"
    "I might need to rebuild the house or some shit."
    "You're an ass."
    She just rolled her eyes and headed for the bathroom.
    "Please don't do that throwing up thing again Mouth, I can't
deal with that shit twice in one day."
    She peaked around the door with a scowl.
    "Are you bent, you can't deal with it? I'm the one up
chucking you moron, this was your bright idea remember?"
    Oh yeah that had been her argument this morning after her first
bout of torture; my manhood had come into question among other things. I was
just happy that whatever the fuck breakdown she'd had was out of the way though
I still watched her to make sure she was okay. She was looking forward to
ending the fucker that had ended her mother; somehow I didn't think shit would
stop there, not with her murdering ass. I was afraid there was always gonna be
someone else that got on her bad side and ended up on the wrong end of her bow
and arrow.
    I'd had a hell of a time getting her to leave that shit home but
then she'd given in, a little too easily if you ask me but I'm not complaining.
    I heard a lot of rummaging around and it sounded like she was
tearing down the walls or some fuck.
    "Mouth what the fuck?" I stepped into the bathroom in
time to see her closing up a portion of the wall. There was a large black bag
sitting at her feet, the shit looked heavy.
    She bent to pick it up and I stopped her, taking it from her hand.
    "Fuck Mouth what you got in here a body? And why the fuck you
lifting this heavy shit? Ma said you're not supposed to remember?"
    "It's not that heavy; tell me Don Luigi, you plan on being
this annoying through this whole thing because if you are I'm moving in with
Pia when we get back."
    By this time we'd reached the bed where I deposited the bag; she
opened it and my mouth fell open.
    "I thought you said you hadn't been here since you were
    "Yeah so, and?"
    "What the fuck Mouth, that's an arsenal in there, what
sixteen year old girl stashes an arsenal?" Oh man I am so fucked, I'm
gonna be cleaning up bodies for the rest of my life messing with this one.
    "You do remember who my father is right? What, you thought I
should leave my safety up to someone else? No way, I used to listen in on dad's
conversations, I knew we could never really trust anyone except each other so I
didn't trust anyone."
    " What do you mean listen in on his
    "Sneak, once I wire tapped him but then I thought if the Feds
ever got ahold of my stash he'd be gone forever so I stopped. What the hell's
wrong with you mob boy?"
    I had to sit down because my head had started pounding, fuck my
life she's the female me.
    "Mouth swear to me right here and now on our children that
after this hit you're done."
    "Thou shalt not swear."


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