Bearly Cooking (Pacific Northwest Werebears #1)
over ruling her fear.
    “Well….” Cage started.
    Sophie waited, then pulled away from his chest and stared at him. Cage brought his thumbs up to her cheeks and brushed away the last drop of her tears.
    “I’m technically, fifty-four years old,” he said, waiting for her to jump off his lap and kick him as she ran screaming the other direction. Oddly, he thought she might accept his bear easier than his age.
    “Fifty-four…” she whispered, “You don’t look a day over thirty. Do you mean if we stay together I’m going to grow old while you stay handsome and young?” she asked in a near panic.
    “Not exactly…”
    “Cage Rochon, I am trying to stay very calm and listen to what you have to say, but if you don’t start being more forthcoming with information I won’t be able to stay. Tell me what I need to know, please…I don’t want to lose you,” she cried.
    “I’m sorry Sophie, you’re right. Once a bear finds their true mate, there is a claiming. Basically bears bite each other, to not only taste each other’s blood which links them, but also to mark them so others know they are taken.
    Since you aren’t a were, obviously you won’t be biting me. But to complete our mating I would mark you. I’ve heard it doesn’t hurt really, the mark happens during sex and I’d make sure you are very happy before I did it,” he tried to joke.
    Sophie gave him a raised eyebrow and he continued.
    “Mated couples usually start a family pretty quickly. Our race is rare and each child is precious. I had to ask my uncle who is our Alpha what happens when one mate is human. He says after the claiming my seed would change you on a biological level. You’ll still be human but you will age slower and be able to carry our cubs.”
    Sophie sat chewing her lip, Cage watched and gave her time to absorb the information. He kept rubbing her back hoping the fact she was still sitting on his lap was a good sign.
    Sophie took in a deep breath and looked Cage in the eye, he held his breath. What she said next would mean either his eternal happiness or the total destruction of his heart.
    “Yes, okay,” Sophie repeated.
    “Okay, what, honey?” Cage asked, confused.
    “Okay to all of it.”
    “You are saying okay that I’m a bear, that we are fated mates, that I want to bite you and mark you, make babies with you and live happily ever after?” he asked in disbelief.
    “Sure, but I want to meet your bear,” she demanded. “As long as it’s safe to.”
    “Of course you can meet my bear, honey. He wants to be around you. But I’m a little taken aback by your easy acceptance.”
    “Oh, it’s wasn’t easy Cage Rochon. I’ve been in here thinking about whether I should be heading to the airport. If I should find a gun and shoot you. Should I call the national media and out you for be a big hiding wanker. But all of those ideas made me sad. They made me sad because I knew that I’d never be the same if I wasn’t with you. I love you Cage, I don’t know how or why, but I do and I can’t live without you.”
    Cage realized his prayers had been answered in the curvy, vivacious beauty sitting in his lap. The fates had blessed him beyond measure, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to screw this up.
    “Honey, that is the best thing you could ever say to me. I love you more than my own life. I will cherish every day I have with you. Protect you and love you with everything that I am. I swear.”
    Sophie let his declaration wash over her. The beauty in the words were nothing compared to the absolute conviction with which he said them.
    “I believe you,” she said giving him a kiss.
    He tried to deepen the kiss, but Sophie pulled back. “I want to meet your bear. What if we don’t get along? What if he doesn’t like me?” she said worriedly.
    “Trust me, honey, he already likes you. But if it means that much to you, let’s take a walk. I’ll introduce you two,” he said lifting her off

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