Bear the Heat (Fire Bears Book 3)

Bear the Heat (Fire Bears Book 3) by T. S. Joyce

Book: Bear the Heat (Fire Bears Book 3) by T. S. Joyce Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. S. Joyce
meeting. The happy mood that had enamored her and made her heart thump oddly in her chest when she’d seen him in the hallway clapping Cody on the back, saying something too low for her to hear but that made his entire crew laugh. And his smile… She hadn’t given too much thought to Boone at the town hall meeting back then, but now, pieces were coming back to her. Important moments that she was glad she remembered now. The color of his bear when he’d Changed near the vet clinic with his brothers for the first time, when she’d hidden behind the fire engine in fear. The way he hovered protectively around the cubs in the Breck Crew when they walked into town hall, heads held high and proud despite the mixed emotions from the crowds. They’d locked eyes in the meeting, she and Boone, for just a moment before she glanced away, unable to hold his gaze.
    They had connected somehow, even back then. There was something that had hovered in the air between them, drawing her to him. Some magnetic force that said their story together had only just begun, but she’d been helpless to see it back then.
    Now, everything seemed so clear.
    Eddie wasn’t meant to be hers. He hadn’t known what to do with a strong woman and had acted out with mistresses, trying to prove his dominance in the relationship. It had been a challenge for him to accept his girlfriend was as successful as him. Eddie wrote for the town newspaper and was accomplished at his job, but she was recognizable when they went out together because of her time in front of the camera. Her success as a reporter was a constant battle between her and Eddie, but Boone was the type of man who was secure with himself. He was strong and required a strong woman to weather the things he and his crew had to endure.
    With Boone, her strength was an asset, not a hindrance.
    And now, it was becoming obvious she’d been meant to have that draining relationship with Eddie so that she could fully appreciate Boone’s good qualities.
    When she re-emerged in her hiking boots and heavy jacket, Boone was zipping up a backpack full of their brunch. His greeting smile just about buckled her knees. “You look gorgeous, Trouble.”
    She dragged her appreciative gaze up his powerful jean-clad legs to the sky blue sweater that clung to his fit physique. The color of his shirt made his eyes look even brighter under his baseball cap. “You’re not so bad yourself, you hunky bear.”
    A deep chuckle sounded from Boone’s chest as he shouldered the backpack. “You know,” he said, leading her out the front door, “you’re a lot different than I imagined from seeing you on the news.”
    “Everybody says that.” She snatched the camera from the counter and flipped the screen closed. “The personality you see on television is my professional one. What people don’t realize is that it’s just a job, and when we go home at night, we have our own lives and opinions and ups and downs. I try to maintain my public image when I’m out and about in town, but I think it’s a little harder to do in a smaller place. If I’d landed a job in Denver, the city would be big enough that I might not get recognized as much. Here, sometimes I feel like I always have to be on. You know what I mean?” The lawn was dry from the autumn season, but still springy under her shoes. Boone’s yard was probably impeccable in the spring and summer months.
    “I know exactly what you mean.” Boone waited, halting his strides long enough for her to catch up. “If I screw up for even a second, it could mean awful things for my family. The entire Breck Crew is feeling the pressure right now. But then again, we’ve always had to hide, so I’m kind of used to the public image gig.”
    “Yeah, I didn’t think about that. It’s probably a lot harder for you than me. Messing up for me would just cost me my job. But for you, it could mean stricter rules for you, your cubs being banned from public schools, or shifter

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