Be With Me in Silicon Valley: The Juliette Trilogy (The Princesses of Silicon Valley - Book 3)

Be With Me in Silicon Valley: The Juliette Trilogy (The Princesses of Silicon Valley - Book 3) by Anita Claire

Book: Be With Me in Silicon Valley: The Juliette Trilogy (The Princesses of Silicon Valley - Book 3) by Anita Claire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anita Claire
week you were mad at me for interrupting your make out session with swimmer guy, now you’re mad that I spoke to bathroom sex guy.”
    “Bathroom sex guy… Nate, is more than just a weekend fling. I’d appreciate it if you don’t play any of your sex games with him.”
    “I don’t know why you’re in such a pissy mood. I was just being myself, friendly.”
    “Cassie, you dressed all skimpy and were flirting with the guy I’m with. That’s not cool. We’ve been friends for a long time, but one thing that will ruin our friendship forever, is you hitting on my guy. Hands off, clear?”
    Cassie just shrugs her shoulders and goes back to the living room to watch TV. As I walk into my room, I see my twisted bed sheets. As I snuggle under the covers, I can smell Nate and all the sex we had. Falling asleep, I realize it was only three nights but I already miss his presence in my bed.

Chapter 24 – Someone’s Saying Things
    Nate: I’ll come by after work tonight.
    Juliette: I’m looking forward to lots of coming.
    Smiling as I send my text, I realize my hoo-ha is no longer feeling sore. I hope Nate introduces me to a few more of his moves.
    The day goes well until Roger calls me into his office. He points to his chair. Resting his forearms on his desk, he leans in and says, “I don’t want to get into a he said she said, but I thought you should know. Someone told me that you were condescending and difficult to work with.”
    In complete shock, “What? Who said that? What were the circumstances?”
    Roger just stares, then says, “I don’t want to get into it. I just thought you should know what someone else is saying about you.”
    “Anyone can say anything about me, and I’m not told who they are or what the circumstances were?”
    “Juliette, you’re getting too emotional over this. It was a comment that I thought you should know about. “He turns and goes back to work, signaling that the conversation is over.
    Walking out the door, I’m stunned. Who’s saying bad things about me? Looking around our group, I wonder if it’s Ian because I blow off his rude Cassie comments, or is it the sports guys, Chris and Avery, because I laughed when they asked me about Luke.
    Feeling bummed, I sit down at my desk and continue developing the prototype Mark designated for me to work on. Feeling distracted, I review all the conversations I’ve had in the last few months. Looking up, I see Jim and Rajive talking. Did one of them say something about me because they’re upset that Mark and I found the solution to the big bug?
    At Zumba, I tell Isabelle that I don’t know if I’ll be able to continue taking classes with her anymore since there’s pressure for me to work late. I’ll miss getting together with her. After pleading with her to take my fencing class, she finally relents.
    At home Cassie’s watching TV. This is a surprise; two nights in a row. I plop down on the couch.
    She looks over. “You’re in a pissy mood. You’re not still mad at me for being friendly with your guy?”
    “No, I’m bummed about work. Someone is saying mean things about me behind my back, and they don’t think that fifty-five hours a week is enough; they want me to come in over the weekend. I don’t mind working hard during the week; it’s just I wanted to have fun over the weekend. I only get two weeks vacation a year. I need time to unwind.” I whine.
    Cassie just blinks. Except for being eye candy at some parties, she hasn’t worked since we’ve been living together. Supposedly, she is taking classes, but I have yet to see a textbook or any sign that she’s actually enrolled in school.
    Shaking my head, and sighing, I say. “As long as you don’t flirt with Nate we’re good. I just need a good night’s sleep.”
    After tossing on my comfy pajamas, I crawl into bed.

Chapter 25 – Nate Stops By
    The ring of our doorbell. It wakes me. What time is it? Who's here? Cassie’s now talking to some guy. It must

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