Be Were (Southern Shifters)

Be Were (Southern Shifters) by Eliza Gayle

Book: Be Were (Southern Shifters) by Eliza Gayle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza Gayle
I'll hunt you down with every resource I have and there will be no mercy for you when I find you."
    She stood and shared at him in shock. No man, animal or hybrid had ever dared to talk to her this way. Not if he wanted to live. "Why you—" Ready to flay him alive, she stepped closer and stopped mid move when her stomach fluttered wildly as if a flurry of bubbles were popping inside her.
    "Oh my Goddess." She dropped her hands to her stomach and cradled the spot where she felt him."
    Dean grabbed her around the waist and lifted her into his arms. "Oh shit. Niki, what happened? Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Dammit I didn't mean— Shit. Baby, please tell me what's wrong. Do you need a doctor?"
    He started for the door when her answer stopped him.
    "I'm fine, Dean. Really. But the baby—I think it moved."
    "What?" He turned, sank to his knees and placed her on the bed with as much care as if she were made of china. If it wasn't for the wonder of the little eruption the baby was making, she'd be on her feet and out the door.
    "Can I feel?" He held his hand out above her stomach but waited for her to answer.
    "Okay," she said. "Although I don't know if it's strong enough for you to feel. It's so weird. It's not like a kick or anything. It feels like a feather brushing against my skin from the inside out."
    Niki watched his hand descend and rest on her stomach next to hers. The instant warmth she felt every time he touched her brushed her from head to toe. The stamp of possession he branded her with every time they met skin to skin made something shift inside her. His genuine interest in the child frightened her and awed her at the same time. How could she make him understand getting attached was a huge mistake?
    "I don't feel anything." He moved his hand to different locations seemingly trying to find it. "But I like the way you describe it. This baby is a blessing."
    She frowned. This situation was getting out of control. Pushing his hand aside, she stood and headed toward the door. Anything to get away from this situation. Before she disappeared through the door, she turned back to find him still sitting on the bed with a gorgeous grin on his face. Her heart tripped.
    Bad. This is so bad, she reminded herself.
    "No, Dean. It is not."

    Chapter Ten
    Not ready to explain herself, Niki hurried down the stairs. Outside, she found the entire group plus Rafe and his off-the-wall mate waiting for them. Bhric leaned against Dean's dark green SUV with his arms crossed over his chest and sunglasses hiding his eyes. To everyone else he looked casual, but Niki sensed the tension vibrating just underneath the surface. Unleashed he would make a formidable opponent. At the moment she was glad he wasn't on the wrong side.
    Greer and Robert stood next to their bikes not far away, as did Calder, who in the light of day, looked bigger than his damned Harley.
    "What are they doing here?" Dean asked from behind her.
    Niki turned to see Dean indicating Rafe and Kitty.
    Bhric shrugged. "She's tenacious. You want her out of your business? Good luck with that."
    "We weren't planning to take anyone along on this trip. In fact, I need to borrow a bike for us."
    Bhric stood to his full height and Niki's animal tensed, going on alert. "You're taking her with us?"
    "I'm not leaving her here."
    Niki bristled at the way they talked over her. Who the hell did they think they were? "Don't talk about me like I'm not standing right here." She stepped forward and moved toward Bhric. "Anyone who thinks they can leave me behind like the little woman can challenge me right fucking now."
    Dean growled and Bhric raised his hands in surrender. "Fine. Not my call."
    "Damn right," she said.
    "Unfortunately, there aren't any extra bikes. If everyone is going then you should take the Jeep and the wolf with you."
    Niki started to open her mouth and let loose when Kitty stepped forward holding a white box in front of her. Again, Dean reacted and stepped in front of

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