Be Careful What You Wish For
shrugged.  “I really don’t want to be here any longer.”  I tilted my head.  “We could go to my place.”  At some point, I’d need to ask him where he lived…or where he was living now.  I was pretty certain he was no longer living where he had been when I’d first met him.
    “Sounds like a plan.”
    I smiled again and said, “Josh, I’m out of here, unless you need something else.”
    “Nope, got it.”
    “Thanks.  See you later.”  I told Kage I had to get my coat and purse out of the back, and he said he’d warm up his truck for me.  By the time I got outside, a light snow was falling, making the sky look bright.  Kage jumped out of his truck and wrapped his arm around my back, escorting me to his truck.  He opened the passenger side door for me and lifted me up onto the seat.  I had to admit I liked how he tended to treat me like a lady.  I’d never been treated that way before, and if you’d asked me before that, I would have told you I didn’t want it…but I was starting to appreciate it.  It was then, when I was seated, that he lifted his face and placed his hand on my neck, urging my lips down to his for one of the hottest kisses I had ever experienced.  Oh, God, could I make it till we got back to my apartment?
    When he pulled away from me, his eyes were aflame.   It wasn’t just me.  It made me want him right there, cold be damned.  But he grinned then and waited for me to turn to sit facing forward in the seat, and then he closed the door and walked over to his side.  I buckled in, primed for what was to come.  The radio was playing a Bring Me the Horizon song, and I reached over to turn it up a little more as he backed his truck out of the parking space.
    One thing I liked about this time of night was there wasn’t much traffic.  There were cars here and there but nothing like daytime.  These folks were creatures of the night.  They either had night jobs or liked to play during the dark hours, and I was one of them.  I had my school business during the day, but my life began at dark.  When Kage pulled onto the freeway, I asked, “You remember how to get to my apartment, right?”
    He glanced over at me, grinning.  “How could I forget?”
    That made me feel good.  I’d been feeling so insecure and unsure earlier, so that was nice to hear.  He reached over and turned the radio back down when the song ended.  We weren’t far from my apartment then.  He asked, “Do all your customers get grabby with you?”
    I wasn’t sure what he meant.  “What…like you?”  I laughed.
    “No, like that big red-headed guy who pulled you onto his lap.”
    How long had Kage been at the bar?  He’d seen that?  “Sometimes…when they’ve had too much to drink.”
    He didn’t say anything then, but I wondered if that had made him jealous.  I wasn’t going to say a word, because I’d been imagining him back in his wife’s bed and feeling something akin to that.  It was kind of a cool idea that he was feeling that for me, though, because I didn’t think any guy had felt possessive of me like that, so much that he was jealous of other men.  It made me feel loved and wanted, perhaps more than I ever had been before.
    He pulled into the parking lot at my apartment.  It was always quiet at this time of night but well lit.  Tonight, as Kage lowered me out of his truck and pulled me close, I felt like the street lights were spotlights.  Most of me didn’t care, because this man had captured my heart, and it didn’t matter to me who knew.  But it also felt like what we had was private and just for us, and I didn’t want to disrespect that.
    But I couldn’t help myself.  As he pulled me close, my fingers entwined themselves through his soft hair, forcing his lips down to meet mine.  I wanted him and I wouldn’t rest until he was inside me again.
    Just having his mouth devour mine made my nipples harden, aching for his touch.  I probably seemed desperate, the

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