Bayou Heat
the one thing she couldn’t ignore.
    Connected. That’s how she felt in this moment, as they stared at each other. The impact
     of that rocked her, should have frightened her.
    Instead it gave her strength.
    “Yes,” she whispered back, finally. “It will be enough.” And when he took over the
     kiss this time, she knew that she lied.
    His mouth possessed her in a way that made her feel cherished, needed, owned body
     and soul. No, this wasn’t going to be enough. She wanted all of that for real.
    But she’d take this.
    He was glorious. She moved his shirt higher, until he stripped it off with an almost
     violent yank. It made the gentle way in which he took her back into his arms almost
    She pressed her mouth to his stubbled jaw. It felt good, sharp, alive against the
     softness of her lips.
    She buried her nose in his neck, tasting the lighttang of salt while she breathed in the scent of the summer heat on his skin.
    She pushed him gently and after a moment he released his tight hold. As slowly as
     she was able, she looked at him, from the strong legs still encased in weathered jeans,
     over the flat belly and up to the chest she’d tasted and touched. She studied his
     hands, the long strong fingers and broad palms, and shivered at the idea of them touching,
     holding, all of her. Her gaze traveled over muscled forearms and biceps to his broad
     shoulders, to his neck, then along his jawline. She paused on his mouth. Those wide
     sensual lips. Another shiver raced over her and she lifted her hands to cup her breasts
     without even being aware of it.
    His low growl jerked her gaze to his eyes.
    Black fire. That’s what they were now.
Mon dieu
, you are trying to kill me,
    She trembled to hear his need for her.
    “Beautiful,” he whispered. He stepped up against her, covering her hands with his
     own. She gasped, the intensity of the pleasure he took in her actions immediately
     erasing any embarrassment she might have felt.
    When he molded his hands to hers, manipulating her nipples with her own fingers under
     his, she thought she might explode from the wild, aching pleasure of it.
    She moaned, swaying into the joint pressure of their hands.
Mais yeah, chèr
. Just like that. We feel so good on your skin.” He spread her fingers, then bent
     his head and touched the tip of his tongue to one nipple.
    A short soft scream escaped her mouth before she bit her bottom lip to keep her mouth
    Teague immediately lifted his head, kissed her lips apart.
    “No, don’t hold back. Release, Erin. Let go. I’ll catch you,
    She took in several steadying breaths.
    “What about you, Teague? Do you ever let go?”
    He took a heartbeat too long to cover his surprise.
    “You can let go here,
. With me.” She leaned down and ran her tongue over his nipple, making him gasp and
     shiver at the unexpected act.
    His hands gripped her shoulders and she lifted her gaze back to his. “You don’t know
     what you’re asking.”
    A slow smile crossed her face. Again he was unguarded before her.
    “Afraid of me,
mon cajin?

    The fierce light in his eyes was devastating. “Terrified.” He took her hands and laid
     them on his chest. “But go ahead. Scare me, chèr.” He took a short deep kiss, his
     tongue pushing hard and fast in her mouth. In and gone, like the thief she’d once
     accused him of being. “We might just catch each other before this is all over.”
    His boldly delivered challenge was all it took. Erin kissed him hard, then pushed
     him backward until he came up hard against the wall by the bathroom door.
    So he wanted to play. The idea of playing with Teague Comeaux was tremendously appealing.
     And arousing.
    It was also about the only level of emotional honestyshe could deal with right now. Uninhibited by her nudity—her body was the easiest
     thing to reveal to him—she wanted only to get him as naked as she was.
    She let her hands fall to the

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