Battle Mage Visions (A Tale of Alus Book 12)

Battle Mage Visions (A Tale of Alus Book 12) by Donald Wigboldy

Book: Battle Mage Visions (A Tale of Alus Book 12) by Donald Wigboldy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donald Wigboldy
the real war wizards. If it came to a fight between them, however, Palose was certain that he could kill the man with little effort despite their size difference. Kill him again, he amended with some feeling of amusement.
    "You and Wendle stuck with me and protected me against Atrouseon. You have held up your end of the deal. If you two want to leave, I can open a portal any time you wish; though some of my options have been closed thanks to Sebastian," he assured the wizard. Palose had hoped to keep the two men near him, but as a battle mage he was also very self sufficient. "Where is Wendle, by the way?"
    It was Talia who responded first. The young woman was perhaps the most dependable of the circle and very responsible for keeping up the house. "Wendle is out trying to track down any lead on the intruder who used the portal. If there is a chance that he might come back, or is still in the city, maybe we can find him first. Well, Dorgred and Wendle will probably have to be the ones to find him since they can sense magic."
    Palose merely nodded. "Maybe we will need to sit down and discuss our future. Whether it will be together or if it is time to go our individual ways, I don't intend any of you harm. As far as I know, this gift is permanent, so it could only be stolen by killing one of us again. I don't plan on killing you and I hope that is mutual, my friend.
    "Now let's put this talk aside for later. I have work to do and I hope by adding these warlocks that it will strengthen our group."
    Chapter 6- New Life
    Palose followed the two wraiths down the stairs followed by Sylvaine and Dorgred. The former was there for support. Being the last to be resurrected, Sylvaine had never seen him work the magic of the spell. She had studied the magic for a time as an apprentice, but dropped the research in short order after discovering that she had no feel for necromancy.
    While Sylvaine had actually pointed out the first books on the subject for Palose in his study at the Ensolus library, her knowledge of the magic was more of a cursory knowledge at best.
    Dorgred, on the other hand, knew only what he had witnessed when Wendle had been brought to life. He was a fire wizard and from Southwall where the magic had been outlawed. It was disdained by the wizards even though there were apparently a few books on it kept in some of their libraries. The fire wizard had heard of those books, but had no idea where they would even keep such things. Such magic would be something of note for a research wizard, but not for one of his kind.
    While most wizards knew or had at least heard of such magic, as a battle mage Palose had known nothing of it at all before falling from his horse fleeing the emperor's werewolves. He had broken his neck, died, and suddenly found himself alive once more and determined to bring down Windmeer, one of the guardian cities, for his master.
    He noted the fire wizard's presence, but doubted that he would need him for anything. When Palose had brought back Wendle, he had needed help lifting the wizard onto the table. Though an orc had helped put the fire wizard onto the table first, either man would have been difficult for him to put there by himself. Stasia and Talia might have been enough help to move the dead weight, but other muscles had presented themselves.
    A new mystery presented itself as Palose looked at the two wraiths in front of him waiting in the light of a handful of lit lamps. He had never revived someone that was already half alive as a wraith. Unsure of the best way to go about it, the dark mage chose Nalack as his first test subject. While it was the case that he was unsure, Palose remained confident and ordered the man to remove his shirt before having him jump onto the table. It was certainly easier getting a subject onto the table as a wraith, the man thought.
    While he had created several wraiths, Palose had never taken the gift away. Some of his puppets had been destroyed, but that

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