Bargaining with the Boss

Bargaining with the Boss by Allison Gatta

Book: Bargaining with the Boss by Allison Gatta Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allison Gatta
thighs. "Spread your legs for me. I want to see your pretty pink pussy."
    She did as she was told again, and her chest rose and fell faster on the mattress. Already, she was breathing so hard that he could practically hear her. How would that feel against his ear as he fucked her? Warm and soft and...
    "Let me see you," she said again.
    He shook his head. "Each time you ask adds more time until you can see me." His cock throbbed again, hating him for his speech, but he continued nonetheless. "Don't forget who's in charge."
    She nodded.
    "Now, touch yourself for me. And no backing down this time. Tonight, you're all mine." If she wasn't he was going to lose his damn mind. His heart was already pounding so loud in his ears that he was sure brain might explode at any minute.
    Now that he'd seen her naked, it wasn't that he wanted to fuck her. It was that he needed to. That if he didn't, he would never be able to focus on anything but her.
    She spread her legs wider, then, slowly, she traced her clit with a single digit.
    "Good. That's really good," he encouraged, and then she moved lower, moving two fingers up and down her slit until he could see the juices dripping from her.
    All the while, her gorgeous blue gaze bore into him. And when she dipped one finger inside herself and licked her lips, it was all her could do not to tear off his clothes and burry himself as deep as he possibly could.
    But he couldn't. Not yet, at least.
    For all he knew, they only had this one night together and then life would return to snide comments in cubicles and tiny tight skirts that he couldn't touch.
    If that was the case, he was going to be able to picture every detail of the body beneath those skirts.
    "It would be better if it was you." She'd whispered the words, but he heard them nonetheless.
    "You're damn right it would. Do you think about me when you do this at night?" He paused, wondering if now was the moment when she'd break and fight back.
    To his surprise, though, she nodded.
    His cock jerked against his jeans. He should undress right now. But then this would all be over.
    "Good," he ground out. "Do you moan for me?"
    "Yes" she whimpered, and then her fingers moved faster as her thighs quaked at her touch and her back arched off of the bed.
    Her breasts were heaving so much that he wasn't sure where to focus his gaze--on her fingers working her wet pussy or the sexy curve of her breasts.
    "Then moan for me," he said.
    She bit her bottom lip then let out a low, longing sound that had him reaching for his zipper without thinking. It was too much to resist. He needed to hear her voice so close to his ear that the ripples of vibration skittered down his spine.
    He needed the feel her slick pussy close around him. Needed to feel the soft skin of her thighs on his waist, pushing him to fuck her deeper and deeper still.
    He pulled his boxers and pants down in one, and though her breath caught he didn't pause before pulling his shirt from overhead.
    He'd waited long enough to have her and nothing was going to stop him now.
    T hough she'd never admit it to him, she'd wondered what was beneath Brooks Adams' sleek business suits more times than she could count. In the dark of night, she'd lay in bed and wonder what it was that turned strong business women into putty at his feet.
    And once she saw him naked?
    She was amazed he didn't have stalkers lining the block.
    His body was even more incredible than she'd imagined. Each of his muscles were so distinctly contoured that she had trouble deciding where to focus her gaze.
    Or, at least she would have if it hadn't been for the one thing that clearly called on her attention.
    His cock was the biggest she'd ever seen, and she swallowed hard, wondering if she could handle someone as large as Brooks. How had this never made any of the headlines?
    Supermodel Claims Millionaire's Body is 'Utterly Ridiculous.'
    She licked her lips, then that cocky smile of his was fixed firmly on his

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