Barefoot and Lost

Barefoot and Lost by Brian Francis Cox

Book: Barefoot and Lost by Brian Francis Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian Francis Cox
cleaning. Lion has told me to show Peter what to do in the toilet and bathroom because now, he is the youngest. But I haven’t the heart to make him do it on his own; anyway there is a risk that Flynn might catch him on his own, so I have decided to help. It is a lot better with two, it is not done in half the time but a lot quicker, and, when Peter gets better at it, it will take no time at all.
         At lunch time the Reverend asked did we enjoy the PT yesterday. I shouted yes, and then I heard a few giggles. Looking around me I could see one or two of the older boys giving me a knowing look, I wanted to say no, I didn’t mean that, but I could feel my ears burning so I looked at my feet to hide my embarrassment. The Reverend went on to say that tomorrow, after chapel, boys and girls above the age of ten will be going to Long Thatch Farm for our annual outing. Then, on Thursday the twenty third, in spite of the unfortunate incident last year, we will return to Maidstone for our day trip. ‘Lion, that trip to the farm tomorrow, is that the one you said was slave labour?’
         ‘No, that’s in October, apples aren’t ready until then. Long Thatch is a hop farm with a few pigs and half a dozen cows. As well as hops they grow potatoes and strawberries. If we are lucky we will pick strawberries, if we’re not we dig spuds.’
         ‘Will we pick hops?’
         ‘No, they get picked in September; anyway, we wouldn’t be able to reach them.’
         ‘I don’t think I have ever had a strawberry, have you, what are they like?’
         ‘Strawberries, that’s what they’re like. I dunno they’re red soft and taste sweet.’
         ‘Do they have many trees?’
         ‘A few, I dunno, you don’t half ask a lot of questions.’
         ‘I’m sorry, do you have to climb the trees or do you use a ladder?’
         ‘ Phil what the hell are you talking about?’
         ‘To pick the strawberries, do we have to use a ladder?’
         ‘You bloody idiot Phil , strawberries grow on the ground.’
         ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t know, I have never seen a real one, only seen them in a picture book.’
         ‘Shall I bring the letter tomorrow?’
         ‘No, you won’t get a chance to post it on the way, or at the farm, leave it till we go to Maidstone .’
         Toby, Jack and Brian have gone to play cricket. Lion has gone off somewhere on his own, said he wanted to be by himself so he could think . Peter and I are playing chess, he is good, we are into our second game, and no matter what I do, as quick as a flash, he counter moves. He thrashed me in the first and it looks like it is about to happen again. ‘ Peter , where did you learn to play?’
         ‘When I was six, my mum taught me and my sister. We used to play every night and, if they didn’t want to play, I would have a game on my own, I love it.’
         ‘Well, I hate getting beaten all the time, could you teach me to play better?’
         ‘You are not a bad player, what you are doing wrong is you spend too long on each move. You wait until I finish my move then work out what you are going to do. While you’re doing that I look at all the options you have and work out a move for each one so, as soon as you do it I know my move. This gives me an advantage, because you think I am a better player you are beaten before you start’
          ‘Okay I’m going to try that.’ I make a move quickly; Peter makes his ‘Check Mate.’
          ‘That’s not fair; do you mind if we don’t play anymore, I would like to read my book?’
          ‘It was fair, you made a stupid move, but no, I don’t mind I’m just as happy playing me, and then I’m always sure of winning.’
           ‘You always win anyway, did you beat Flynn , or did he let you win?’
           ‘No, he was easy to beat, you would beat him easily’
           ‘I would

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