Barbara Faith - Kiss of the dragon

Barbara Faith - Kiss of the dragon by mag

Book: Barbara Faith - Kiss of the dragon by mag Read Free Book Online
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for dinner."
    Bethany sighed. Without opening her eyes she reached up, encircling his neck, and brought his face to hers to kiss him, lazily, sleepily, murmuring his name against his lips.
    Silencing him with a kiss, she began to unbutton his shirt so that she could reach her hand inside and touch his skin. She heard the rasp of his breath as her fingers tangled in the thatch of his chest hair, then reached to fumble with his belt buckle.
    Gone for the moment were her doubts and fears. She was lost in a dream, carried away on a tide of warmth and feeling and the sheer pleasure of awakening to his touch.
    Tiger threw back the sheet. He found her breasts through the thin material of her nightgown. She whispered her pleasure and his mouth covered hers.
    "Wait." Tiger moved away from her. Bethany opened her eyes and watched while he removed his clothes. Her lips, moist and inviting, were parted as the tip of her tongue darted out to touch the corner of her mouth. Her breath came in quickened gasps.
    Tiger looked down at her. He felt the thud of his heart against his ribs, the almost painful swelling of desire. Slowly he pulled back the sheet. In a voice made harsh by need he asked her to sit up and when she did he pulled the gown over her head and tossed it aside. Then he was beside her, his mouth crushed against hers, feeling the silken loveliness of her against him. Her hands came up around his shoulders, caressing, urging him closer, and he knew that they couldn't wait. It had to be now. Now, quickly, urgently, or they would burst with wanting.
    With a cry Tiger rolled Bethany beneath him. Hands on her hips he thrust himself into her, moaning aloud as her softness closed around him. His mouth covered hers. He caught her lower lip between his teeth, holding it tight while he ran his tongue over it. He bit the corners of her mouth, almost beside himself with need. Then, afraid of hurting her, he pulled back. But when he did Bethany cupped his head and threaded her fingers through his hair, to bring him again to her lips.
    Her body lifted to his, demanding as he demanded, on fire with the need to have him closer and yet closer.
    "Bethany...ah, Bethany..." Tiger's arms tightened around her as he rocked her close, all sense of reason lost in the pleasure of the moment.
    Bethany's body rose to his. Her hands tightened on his shoulders. She was lost in the arms that held her, in the lips that kissed her, in the body that possessed her, and that she too possessed.
    When she cried his name he breathed in the sweetly desperate words of her fulfillment as his own body exploded, carrying him higher and higher as, with fevered words, he told her how he loved her.
    Later, after they had showered together, Tiger gave her the package that he'd placed on the bed. Inside was a cheongsam, a Chinese dress of rose-pink satin. Peacocks in vivid shades of blue were intricately embroidered onto the material.
    "It's beautiful," Bethany said in a breathless voice.
    "Wear it tonight."
    The satin was smooth against her fingers. She looked at Tiger. "Thank you," she said. "Thank you, darling."
    The dress fitted as though it had been made especially for her, molding her breasts and her hips, coming just below her knees. She fastened the buttons high on the mandarin collar, stepped into her high-heeled pumps, and turned around so that Tiger could look at her.
    He took one step forward, but he didn't touch her. "You're one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen," he said in a hushed voice. Then he watched as she brushed the golden hair back from her face and fastened pearl drop earrings in her ears.
    Again Tiger felt the beating of his heart against his ribs. But this time it beat without passion; it beat with an intensity of love that shook him to the very depths of his soul.
    But he did not speak of his love as he took Bethany's arm and led her down the curved marble stairs to the dining room. There he ordered swallow's nest soup,

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