Bad to the Bone

Bad to the Bone by Debra Dixon

Book: Bad to the Bone by Debra Dixon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Dixon
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callfrom Phil’s office.” His tone was casual, but his expression wasn’t.
    Jessica pressed her lips together. The whole damn world knew about Phil’s disappearance now. The “secret” was out, and yet he still didn’t trust her.
Do you really expect him to? He found a gun in your bra
    The memory brought a rush of heat to her face. Quickly followed by a rush of apprehension in her stomach. Sully hadn’t given the derringer to the other detective or, to her knowledge, asked anyone to run the serial number or check for a permit. The officer who took her statement seemed willing to accept her story of Iris’s phone call, seemed to believe that Jessica Daniels was no more than a dear family friend, coming to soothe a worried child.
    Sully didn’t seem nearly so willing to believe her role was innocent. Yet he kept silent about the gun, didn’t voice his suspicions in the squad room. He had his own agenda, just as she had hers. Both of them scrambling in the dark for the advantage.
    “No problem,” she agreed. “We’ll all go together.”
    And they did, almost in lockstep. By the time they reached the tenth floor, Jessica wanted to scream. Sully’s presence smothered her—fingertips at the small of her back to urge her through doorways, into the elevator, out of the elevator. It was her preoccupation with him that caused her carelessness.
    She was in such a hurry to get away from him, she plowed right into two gentlemen carrying overloaded cardboard file boxes. Catching one of the lids before it slid off, Jessica opened her mouth to spit out the reflex apology, but it died on her lips as she got an eyeful. Nondescript dark suits, generic ties, average height, average build. Everything about them was one hundredpercent government issue. These were company men; she’d stake her life on it.
    Looking at the bulging boxes and knowing they might have the names, all she could think of was that they’d make her kill again. They wouldn’t let her go. And she couldn’t be a part of that. Not again. She’d made a deal with Phil, but these men wouldn’t honor it.
    With a smile that she knew was off center and as fake as they come, she backed up into Sully, hard enough that he had to circle her waist and steady her. “Oh, my,” she said, recovering her voice. “I’ve almost knocked everyone down. I’m so sorry.”
    The two men stared wordlessly at them, obviously waiting for the trio to move away from the front of the elevator. Sully obliged by steering Iris behind him and drawing Jessica to one side, his arm still around her waist. He was also careful to keep his front toward the men so that the gun holstered at the small of his back was hidden. Instinct told Sully that broadcasting his status as a cop to these two would be a mistake.
    The elevator whooshed open as soon as they pushed the button with the corner of one of the boxes. Sully nodded his head as they got in and gave them a big ol’ Texas good-neighbor smile. The men stood motionless, creating a tableau as the elevator doors closed. Everyone seemed frozen in place, even Iris.
    “Who were they?” she finally whispered when the soft ding of the elevator shook them out of their trance.
    An angry and unfamiliar female voice answered them. “The government. They came swooping in here right after lunch and ransacked Mr. Munro’s office. Taking whatever they wanted.” She huffed unhappily. “Something about a national security matter. Theysaid they’d bring it all back, but Mr. Munro’s not going to like this. Iris, honey, I’m glad you’re here. Do you know where your daddy is? I’ve got to talk to him. And fast.”
    All three heads had swiveled toward her the moment the woman spoke. She was fortyish and ready for battle, hands on her size twelve hips and her size five fuchsia pumps planted squarely in the beige carpet. Jessica recognized her immediately, but the woman’s gaze seemed to brush past her to rivet on Sully as if he was the real

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