Bad Bride Good Cowboys

Bad Bride Good Cowboys by Kandi Silvers

Book: Bad Bride Good Cowboys by Kandi Silvers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kandi Silvers
stomach. Her back arched against the wall as his tongue toyed with the navel ring in her flat belly. His cock throbbed; she would be his undoing at this rate.
    Her fingers laced through his hair as his tongue reached for the wet folds between her legs. With a gasp, she spread her legs for him and laced her fingers through his hair.
    His tongued caressed her slit and his libido shot into overdrive. The skin of his dick strained with every taste of her hot readiness.
    A soft moan escaped her lips against the heavy beats of water falling from the shower and her pelvis thrust toward him. He licked and laved at the hot folds, then ventured down to play with her clit while he separated her further.
    Her wails and the damp desire greeting his tongue edged him on and finally, when she shivered against the shower wall beneath his tongues wrath, he plunged inside of her wet sheath.
    Felicia whimpered as his tongue plunged inside if her. Immediately Brady’s cum mixed with her juices and his cock strained further. He groaned from the intoxication, sending a vibration through her.
    “Fuck me!” Her soft plea infiltrated all his senses as she bucked beneath his tongue and thrust her pelvis forward.   Her hands gripped his shoulders tight and another wail escaped her. Mickey knew he needed to be inside her. He swirled his tongue one more time, growing harder as Brady’s ejaculation mixed with Felicia’s liquid desire coated his tongue.
    If the doll gripped him any tighter, her perfectly manicured nails were going to leave marks on his shoulders. His cocked reared at the thought of how turned on Brady would be, knowing how much pleasure he had given to Felicia.
    Despite how much he loved the taste of her and his lover mixed on his tongue, he was ready to take her. Again her back arched as desire coated his tongue.
    He pulled his tongue out of her and rose to a standing position. As soon as he met her gaze and gripped her ass in his hands, she arched her back and lifted her legs. 
    “Forgive me, doll,” he rasped.
    She wrapped her legs around his waist and he thrust hard and deep. She gasped, but he had to pause, not expecting her pussy to sheath him so tightly or with such eagerness.
    “You’re killing me,” he groaned.
    “Cum in me,” she pleaded, her voice next to a whisper as her legs fastened around his waist and her mouth covered his.
    He always imagined having her slow and deep. Even though he was deep now, he wanted nothing more than to fill her tight pussy walls. She bucked her hips and all resolve was gone.
    He moved his cock within her and she moaned against his tongue. When she ar ched her back against the shower wall and thrust her pelvis forward, giving him greater access, he sank his teeth into his lower lip to prevent himself from losing control immediately.
    Mickey thrust deeper, wanting more of her. Her tongue snaked around his as her pelvis met his thrusts. He fell into a rhythm and couldn’t stop working in and out of her tightness.
    A small wail escaped her lips and ended the kiss. Her head leaned against the shower wall and her pussy clamped tight around his thrusting cock.
    “Christ!” A single word escaped him as his dick pulsed in release as the contractions of her tight walls milked him.
    “God, Felicia.” Her pussy sucked every ounce of release out of him.
    Her body trembled in his tight hold. “Don’t let me go.”
    He tightened his hold and kissed her lips. “I can’t.” He struggled to breath. “I may never let you go.”
    Her hold on his shoulders increased before she wrapped her arms tight around his neck. “Share Brady with me.”
    Her voice came out in a mere whisper, but his heart soared. “You belong with both of us, always have.
    He tightened his hold as his cock pulsed one final time, emptying more inside of her. There was no way he or Brady would ever let her go now. She was theirs. The question was how did they keep her?
    Chapter Six
    Felicia savored the feel of her

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