
Bactine by Paul Kater

Book: Bactine by Paul Kater Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paul Kater
been torn apart already, and the rest was just waiting for that fate to happen.
    The refugees came in their own boats, large and small, and Daniel worked as hard as everyone else to get the people to safety. The sea floor shuddered several times as the rescue operation was going on. Strange waves appeared on the surface. The tremors were not strong enough to make the Pricosine notice, which was a good thing. Getting two thousand people with their belongings and a load of animals on board without proper means was a task in itself.
    The people were calm during their evacuation, and that was the biggest help the crew could ask for. The loading of the people and animals took two days and meant hardly any sleep for any of the crew. Also Draiky and Xandree pitched in where they could.
    Ulaman had the three leading people from the island on the bridge and had asked Daniel to be there as well.
    Daniel understood that. Ulaman, being the captain, now was responsible for several thousand heads, wanted to make sure that there was an independent witness who could state that he had done things by the book. Seigner Clelem would insist on that.
    "I hope," said Ulaman, "that your people will be able to find a good place to stay. We're about to sail, and if the winds are with us we can make it to your new home in 3 to 4 days. If there is something you need, or you have a problem, call on me."
    The three people thanked Ulaman and promised that they would keep the hindrance for the crew down to the minimal amount they could muster.
    "We will come and check up on you," Ulaman said. "Everyone of the crew will be taking part in this. We have heard that you have several stoves and furnaces with you to make food, is that right?"
    "Yes, captain. We can make for our own food."
    Everything was in order. The three left the bridge and Ulaman started giving orders through his tube.
    Skarak was coming back into view. The crew of the Pricosine were shattered but happy and relieved that the move of the people had gone well. As soon as they were in hydger range, Ulaman reported to Clelem about the journey and that all people had been rescued and safely in their new town. Daniel, Lidrin and Xandree were present at the 'conference call'.
    "Excellent work, captain Ulaman," Clelem said. "You have done an outstanding job. My compliments to the crew. They have all deserved a gratification which I will allow for personally."
    Daniel was perplexed. That was a boss one would love to work for. The cheers from the crew, when the word was spread, made it clear that they all thought so.
    After the ship was moored the crew washed up and made themselves presentable, orders of the captain. At the designated hour, everyone reported on deck and then the whole crew, to which Daniel was counted by now, walked off the long, high gangway, carrying their bags. They would be off again for a while as the ship was cleaned, checked and prepared for a new cargo.
    On the quay, to Daniel's amazement, was a carriage. He'd never seen one there.
    Ulaman made them all line up and then walked over to the carriage. After a knock on the door, he came back and stood in line also. Several people who were busy at the docks stopped what they were doing and took a very interested stance.
    The carriage opened. Gaguran Slindris stepped out. He was followed by Seigner Clelem Dandra ko Galem, and after him a young woman exited the carriage.
    Stroro, who stood next to Daniel, whispered: "That's the Seigner's daughter."
    The three came closer. Only Clelem and Gaguran walked up to the line of sailors. The woman kept a distance. Clelem had prepared a short speech in which he cordially thanked the crew for their superb work in saving all the lives of the islanders.
    "The comisar of Skarak, the comisar of Zoroon and also the president of the Ship Owners Society have asked me to convey their gratitude to you." Clelem then

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