Back on Solid Ground

Back on Solid Ground by Debra Trueman

Book: Back on Solid Ground by Debra Trueman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Trueman
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the boathouse doing his voodoo shit or something.  He came up
here and got a drink then went right back down there.”
    “What about
Stacy?” Eli asked.
    “I guess
she’s still asleep.  I haven’t heard from her or Consuela,” said Jason.
    Niki was butchering
what was left of the roast and Eli was making sandwiches.  Jason grabbed three
beers out of the refrigerator and handed them out.
    “I guess I
should go relieve Consuela,” Niki said, without enthusiasm.  “Make an extra
sandwich and I’ll give one to Consuela,” he said, taking both sandwiches Eli
had just finished making and a beer, and heading upstairs.

Chapter 9
    It was dark
outside when Stacy woke to the sound of something crawling on the blinds.  She
wasn’t sure if she had dreamed the noise, so she sat up in bed and listened.  There
it was again.  It sounded like a roach. 
    Stacy hated
roaches. Back in college, Stacy’s roommate had one crawl into her ear when she
was sleeping and they had to go to the emergency room to get it out.  When the
nurse stuck a pair of tweezers into her roommate’s ear and pulled out a roach
leg, it had scarred Stacy for life.  She would rather contend with a snake then
a roach any day.    Stacy pulled her hair over her ear and tried to go back to
sleep, but she was too freaked out.  She kept feeling like bugs were crawling
all over her.  There was no way she could fall back asleep, so she lay there
listening for any noise, but the room was silent. 
    Some time
later, it happened again.  She sat up in bed and listened.  Sure enough, 
little legs crawling on the blinds.  It’s just a little bug , Stacy told
herself.  Get some backbone.  She pulled the covers up to her chin and
over her ear and tried to go back to sleep.  She finally managed to doze off
when another noise woke her up, but it was not the bug crawling on the blinds –
it was now flying around her room.  That’s not a roach .  It sounded like
a miniature airplane, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, swooping all around the room.
    Stacy pulled
the sheet up over her head and prayed that the thing wouldn’t dive bomb her. 
And then it stopped, only to start up again after about 30 seconds.  She needed
to get out of the room, but she was too scared to get out of bed.  Stacy was
getting ready to yell for Jason, when all of a sudden she heard buzz . . . buzz
. . . thunk . . . plop .  The little fucker flew into the fan and plopped
down on the bed.  Stacy bolted out of bed, screaming bloody murder, and ran to
the light switch. 
    Niki was
asleep in the hall when he heard the blood curdling scream.  He jumped up and
busted through the door, pistol in hand, and slammed right into Stacy.  He
pushed her behind him to shield her from her attacker, while he scanned the
room with the gun.
    “There’s a
bug in my bed!” Stacy exclaimed.
    “A bug?” Niki
repeated, turning around to glare at her.  “You screamed like that because of a bug ?”
    “It was
flying around the room and hit the fan and landed on the bed,” she explained.
    Niki shook
his head, then put the gun down on the dresser and they walked over to the bed. 
Stacy stood back while Niki moved the covers around searching for the bug. 
    “I don’t see
anything,” he said, looking on the floor around the bed.
    “I know it’s
there,” Stacy said adamantly.  She got a little closer and stretched her neck
to see if she could see it. 
    Niki went
around to the other side of the bed and looked around.  “Here it is.  It’s just
a little beetle,” he said, checking it out. “I think it’s unconscious.”
    Niki picked
up the bug and let it go out on the balcony.  He came back in the room and
Stacy was examining his gun. 
    “Nice gun,”
she said.
    Niki walked
across the room and took the gun away from her.  “I cannot believe that a
little beetle would elicit that kind of response from you,” he said, shaking
his head in disbelief. 
    “It sounded a
lot bigger when it

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