Baby Makes Five (A Multiple Birth Book 1)

Baby Makes Five (A Multiple Birth Book 1) by Nicole Peters

Book: Baby Makes Five (A Multiple Birth Book 1) by Nicole Peters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Peters
mentality that you aren’t destined to be happy, which is a load of bullshit if you ask me.”
    “Thanks for the honesty my ego isn’t fragile enough.”
    “This has nothing to do with your ego. It’s big enough to withstand anything that comes its way. Now, what are you going to do about it?”
    “She doesn’t want to see me, did you miss that part?”
    “No, but if every business you bought refused to sell to you, and you took no for an answer you won’t be the billionaire you are today.”
    “True, but this isn’t business, and I’ll see her tomorrow at her follow up.”
    “Is she still going to the gala?”
    “As far as I know yes.”
    “Good, it’s a start. You better step up you’your A game, Ash. You never take no for an answer in business apply that attitude to your personal life.
    “I don’t want to push her away she said she needs space I am giving her space.”
    “Don’t you think six days is enough space? When you told me about your vasectomy, I thought you were crazy. Then months later you found out you were going to become a father. I thought that was a sign I still do. Woo her, do something before you lose her for good. I need to go.”
    “Thanks for everything, I owe you one.”
    “That’s what’s friends are for.”
    Tom was right about one thing; she’d had enough time and space. It was the longest week of his life and the most miserable.
    Miah lay on the examining table quietly with her eyes on the monitor. She had taken the bus to her appointment because she didn’t want to be in the confines of a car with Ash. He hadn’t been pleased with her decision and made it clear from the message he left her. When she arrived at the hospital, he had been waiting at the entrance for her.
    She was surprised to see him. His hair had grown out again since she last saw him making him devastatingly handsome. He was wearing sunglasses though it was early in the morning. He seemed disheveled even though he was smartly dressed, which told her something was off. When he had taken the glasses off, she realized what it had been.
    “Are you hung over?” She asked softly. From what she had learned from him, she knew drinking wasn’t something he did much, other than having a glass of wine at dinner or a night cap. He didn’t believe in drinking for recreational purposes.
    “She talks,” he said sarcastically. “What is it to you what I do?”
    “Nothing, if you don’t want to be here, you can leave that might be for the best. What will Doctor Sand think?”
    “Your problem Miah is that you care too much what other people think. I, on the other hand, do not.”
    “Obviously,” she said fuming because it was true. She spent most of her life worrying what others think of her trying to please everyone.
    “I am sorry for attacking you last week, for mocking your beliefs and commitment to our babies. The situation was stressful, and I felt helpless. I wanted to apologize in person earlier, but you won’t take any of my calls.”
    “Thank you. I never blamed you for that; we were both scared. I understood where you were coming from.”
    “Then why are you shutting me out of your life?”
    “I am not shutting you out. I told you I needed some space.”
    “You’ve had a week, how much more space do you need? We are going to be parents Miah.”
    “I know Ash. I am the one carrying them. Does it matter how much space I need?”
    He sighed “it just does. I want to experience every minute of this pregnancy.”
    “I’m not stopping you. I said you could attend my appointments.”
    “Yes but what about when you don’t have any am I to wait two weeks to see you? I enjoyed our dates the time we spent together I thought you did too. What happened to get to know each other?”
    “We spent almost three weeks getting to know each other.”
    “And you think that’s enough?”
    “Isn’t it?”
    “No! Of course, it’s not,” he said

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