Netty washed up in her bedroom, Wil in the kitchen. As she slipped on a petticoat ( Never previously worn anywhere, where would she go?) she noticed a large slit down the back of it, down to her tail. The slit was to facilitate ease in getting in and out of the voluminous garment. A drawstring allowed her to cinch it at her waist, holding the petticoat up. She would have to hold her tail tightly around her torso to prevent it from slipping through the slit and unraveling down her legs.
Slipping her best dress over her head, she looked at herself in her mirror. She looked just like she always did, except for the nervous flush. But she wanted to look special in some way for Wil, to mark the special occasion. Feeling she needed an edge to compete with the youth of the other single ladies, she removed her ponytail, letting her lush long hair fall down her shoulders. She noticed her hair had developed a golden sheen. When did that happen? Standing back, she discovered the appearance of a halo surrounding her. Well, she really did not want to draw other’s attention to herself but it was the only edge she had.
Netty sat on her bed to say goodbye to Baby. Last night, they explained to him about their trip into town. If anyone knocked on the door, Baby was to crawl under the bed. They showed Baby how to lock the door from inside. They felt confident the little guy would be safe. The trickle of town folk that found her farm had fallen off since she was bringing her produce into town more regularly. With a feeling of confidence, Netty slipped out of the bedroom to join Wil.
Wil just finished dressing. His boots gleamed, his shirt fully starched and his trousers pressed. They did nothing to disguise his strong shoulders or his lean fit build. Turning, he watched Netty come from the bedroom. His heart ached with longing as she took his breath away. With her hair swinging down her back she looked stunning. Her face gleamed, flushed and expectant. There seemed to be a golden glow radiating from her, leaving him speechless.
“Netty, you look beautiful,” he whispered, going to her side. Netty blushed, looking down at her feet. Wil offered his arm and together they walked out to the barn to collect the wagon and start their ride into town.
The almost full moon lit their bumpy drive. Wil excitedly chattered all the way, Netty smiling and nodding but saying little. When they got to the church, they hitched the wagon and loosened the rigging on the horse who acted skittish around the automobiles parked nearby. Entering the church hall, they made their way to a table where a popular tavern owner sat with his family. Quickly making space for Wil and Netty, they found themselves heartily welcomed.
Wil rose from the table to deliver their contribution, Netty’s fabulous pies, of course. Returning, he noticed various men glancing at Netty then nodding in his direction. Most in town knew of Netty’s husband, as some of his sisters still ruled the social scene. But these county folks were farmers and shopkeepers with their families. He felt assured he would not have any trouble, being from out of town. The thing everyone in these parts respected most; hard work. Everyone greatly admired Netty’s hard work, even envied her for all she accomplished. Unfortunately, Wil did not count on the speculation about his relationship with her. Some might consider it improper if they knew he slept in the house, instead of the barn. The last thing he wanted to do was cause Netty grief after he pressured her to come to the dance. He certainly did not want to create a scandal that would hurt their business. Noticing more glances and whispers, he began to think of the supper and dance as a mistake.
Hurrying back to the table with two plates of food, he sat across the table from Netty and joined the boisterous conversation. As the evening wore on, the laughter at the table got louder. Wil noticed the men casually slipping out the back door to return
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