
Babbit by Sinclair Lewis Page B

Book: Babbit by Sinclair Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sinclair Lewis
Tags: Literature
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      author of the Shortcut Course in Public-Speaking, is
easily the foremost figure in practical literature, psychology
& oratory. A graduate of some of our leading universities,
lecturer, extensive traveler, author of books, poetry, etc., a man
with the unique PERSONALITY OF THE MASTER MINDS, he is ready to
give YOU all the secrets of his culture and hammering Force, in a
few easy lessons that will not interfere with other occupations. -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      "Here's how it happened. I ran across an ad of a
course that claimed to teach people how to talk easily and on their
feet, how to answer complaints, how to lay a proposition before the
Boss, how to hit a bank for a loan, how to hold a big audience
spellbound with wit, humor, anecdote, inspiration, etc. It was
compiled by the Master Orator, Prof. Waldo F. Peet. I was
skeptical, too, but I wrote (JUST ON A POSTCARD, with name and
address) to the publisher for the lessons - sent On Trial, money
back if you are not absolutely satisfied. There were eight simple
lessons in plain language anybody could understand, and I studied
them just a few hours a night, then started practising on the wife.
Soon found I could talk right up to the Super and get due credit
for all the good work I did. They began to appreciate me and
advance me fast, and say, old doggo, what do you think they're
paying me now? $6,500 per year! And say, I find I can keep a big
audience fascinated, speaking on any topic. As a friend, old boy, I
advise you to send for circular (no obligation) and valuable free
Art Picture to: -
      Babbitt was again without a canon which would enable
him to speak with authority. Nothing in motoring or real estate had
indicated what a Solid Citizen and Regular Fellow ought to think
about culture by mail. He began with hesitation:
      "Well - sounds as if it covered the ground. It
certainly is a fine thing to be able to orate. I've sometimes
thought I had a little talent that way myself, and I know darn well
that one reason why a fourflushing old back-number like Chan Mott
can get away with it in real estate is just because he can make a
good talk, even when he hasn't got a doggone thing to say! And it
certainly is pretty cute the way they get out all these courses on
various topics and subjects nowadays. I'll tell you, though: No
need to blow in a lot of good money on this stuff when you can get
a first-rate course in eloquence and English and all that right in
your own school - and one of the biggest school buildings in the
entire country!"
      "That's so," said Mrs. Babbitt comfortably, while
Ted complained:
      "Yuh, but Dad, they just teach a lot of old junk
that isn't any practical use - except the manual training and
typewriting and basketball and dancing - and in these
correspondence-courses, gee, you can get all kinds of stuff that
would come in handy. Say, listen to this one:
      'If you are walking with your mother, sister or best
girl and some one passes a slighting remark or uses improper
language, won't you be ashamed if you can't take her part? Well,
can you?
      'We teach boxing and self-defense by mail. Many
pupils have written saying that after a few lessons they've
outboxed bigger and heavier opponents. The lessons start with
simple movements practised before your mirror - holding out your
hand for a coin, the breast-stroke in swimming, etc. Before you
realize it you are striking scientifically, ducking, guarding and
feinting, just as if you had a real opponent before you.'"
      "Oh, baby, maybe I wouldn't like that!" Ted chanted.
"I'll tell the world! Gosh, I'd like to take one fellow I know in
school that's always shooting off his mouth, and catch him alone -
      "Nonsense! The idea! Most useless thing I ever heard
of!" Babbitt fulminated.
      "Well, just suppose I was walking with

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