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about, but his brothers only became more grim.
    “Be careful,” Will warned. “I speak from experience when I tell you she wants something.”
    But Michael knew he was wrong. She wasn’t like that, but it wasn’t worth explaining. Not with the meeting coming up. “Let’s talk about Mr. Kawashima.”
    “Your surprise house guest is a lot more interesting,” Chance said.
    Michael couldn’t have agreed more. He glanced at the clock again. Three hours and fifty-two minutes.
    “What did Jim discover about Mr. Kawashima that might be holding him back?” Michael had memorized the business portfolio, but had ordered more info from Jim due to the man’s reticence to enter into a business agreement with Anderson Auctions.
    Will shrugged. “Not much that’s not in the file he compiled for you. He’s married with one teen son. Wife stays at home. No past bankruptcies or skeletons in the closet. No enemies Jim could find.”
    “Something’s holding him back,” Michael muttered, more to himself than Will.
    “Maybe it’s you.” Chance said, probably as a joke. It wasn’t funny though. The man’s behavior made no sense. He’d been enthusiastic in all the correspondence and videoconferences until the day he arrived. Ever since the first face-to-face meeting on the street, he’d been distant.
    “Oh,” Will said. “There is one bit of info Jim found out that you should know: Kawashima’s wife has a thing for dogs. Has half a dozen of them.” He pulled up a photo on his phone and turned it toward Michael. “Here she is.”
    Prickles traveled down Michael’s spine as he studied the photo on Will’s screen. An attractive woman in a red dress held a black and white dog that looked similar to Shit Head, only smaller without the silly topknot and bow in its hair.
    “The dog is called a Japanese Chin. His wife breeds them. Had one in the Westminster Dog Show two years ago that won Best of Breed and took second place in the Toy Group.”
    Michael’s stomach churned. Could the fucking dog be the issue holding the deal up—the dog that hated him and loved everyone else, including the reticent Mr. Kawashima?
    “The dog has to go until after the meeting. I need one of you to take it out of here while Mr. Kawashima and I come to an agreement.”
    Will stood and stretched. “Sorry, big brother. I’m off to pick up Claire’s ring.”
    “Nuh-uh,” Chance said, shaking his head when Michael gave him direct eye contact. “I have a match at the dojang. Can’t miss it. Sorry. Maybe your house sitter, slash dog sitter, slash live in girlfriend, slash fiancée could do it.”
    She was at work. Their agreement only covered the dog at night. “Mildred!” Michael shouted. The woman appeared in his doorway, visibly shaken, making him feel like a dick. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to raise my voice. Can I trouble you to watch the dog for me during tonight’s meeting?”
    “I’m terribly sorry, sir. I have my grandson’s fifth birthday party right after work.” She started to shuffle out but stopped. “And something was delivered just now by courier from Mr. Kawashima. I didn’t want to intrude on your meeting with your brothers.”
    Michael’s stomach rolled over. What could be so important it had to come by courier before the meeting? He accepted the small, square box from Mildred and resisted the urge to tear into it like a kid ripping open a Christmas present. Instead, he took a deep breath and set it gently on his desk.
    “Aren’t you going to open it?” Chance asked.
    “Eventually.” Michael sat, forcing himself to suppress his eagerness to discover the box’s contents. He needed to regain his discipline and focus.
    Will snatched the package off of his desk and ripped it open. “No control games with this, Mikey. I need to go.” He reached into the gap in the side of the box and pulled out a red rubber ball. It was adorned with the name, Clancy . “Bingo. It’s the dog killing this deal. Well, not the dog,

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