B00AO57VOY EBOK by AJ Myers

Book: B00AO57VOY EBOK by AJ Myers Read Free Book Online
Authors: AJ Myers
eye.  And, in that moment, I knew I wasn’t looking at
the demon, but my friend.  There was no feeling that I was going to die of
smoke inhalation.  I didn’t feel like my skin was burning where he touched me. 
Before me was a kid who was just as afraid as I was.
    He looked like he’d been
through a couple different versions of Hell.  His hair was sticking up in
spikes all over his head which, unfortunately, drew my attention to his missing
ear.  His face looked tired and haggard, and there were circles under his eyes
so dark that he looked like he’d joined a fight club—and lost.
    “Please, Ember?” he
whispered again, something very sincere in his expression.  “I’m begging you.”
    I swallowed hard and nodded
as much as his hand would allow.  His lips turned up in a sad smile, and he
slowly took his hand from my mouth.  I whirled around to face him and took a
step back to put some space between us.  I wasn’t sure if I could outrun him if
he made another lunge for me, but I wasn’t about to go down without a fight.  I
was going to need at least a little room to maneuver.  He seemed to realize
what I was doing, though, and took another step closer to me.  I didn’t bother
backing away again.  I could already see how that would play out.  I’d had
plenty of practice with Nathan.
    “Jack?” I finally managed to
gasp out, examining every single inch of his face.  He was alive.  My Jack was
still alive!  “He said you were dead.”
    “Maybe I am,” he said,
looking around the yard like he was confused.  “I don’t know where I am or how
I got here or…anything.  All I know is that I had to come here.  And then I saw
you sitting there and…  I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
    I peered at him through
narrowed eyes, not knowing whether to trust him or not.  I glanced toward the
house, chewing on my bottom lip nervously as I tried to figure out what to do. 
Did I scream for Nathan and Grams?  Did I help Jack?  What the hell was I
supposed to do ? I mean, he obviously wasn’t the demon—trust me, one
glance into those big blue eyes and I would have known if he was just putting
on a show—but  he didn’t look all that stable, either. 
    “What happened to you?” I
asked, keeping my voice low. 
    “What happened?”  he
repeated, looking frustrated—and kind of crazy.  “Haven’t you been listening? 
I don’t know what happened.  The last thing I remember, I was at Steve
Knight’s party and you and Kim were offering me a ride home.  I don’t remember
anything else until a few minutes ago when I found myself hiding in the bushes
like some creeper watching you.”
    My mouth fell open and I
couldn’t do anything but stare at him.  I knew the party he was talking about. 
He’d been wasted and Kim and I had practically had to carry him to Blake’s
truck.  The entire time we’d been dragging his big butt down the driveway he’d
kept telling me how much he’d always liked me and how pretty I was.
    That had been Steve’s Fourth
of July party.  Four months before. 
    “Why are you looking at me
like that?” he asked, running a trembling hand through his hair.  “You think
I’m crazy, don’t you?”
    “Jack, I want you to listen
to me,” I told him, keeping my voice gentle and soothing.  “You’ve been sick,
but I think I know somebody who can help you.”
    He pressed his hands to
either side of his head and clenched his fists in his hair, looking like he was
ready to start ripping it out at any second.  I took another step back even
though I had already decided doing so was useless, but Jack didn’t seem to
notice.  He just kept tearing at his hair and mumbling about voices and
shadows.  Just watching him was enough to both put my nerves on red alert and
break my heart.
    “I won’t do it!” he suddenly
snarled, causing me to back up a few more steps.  “I won’t hurt her!  I won’t! 
I won’t!  I won’t!”
    “Jack?” I

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