Awakening (Children of Angels)

Awakening (Children of Angels) by Jessica Gibson Page B

Book: Awakening (Children of Angels) by Jessica Gibson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Gibson
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will was done. Now, however, Leonara worried that this was not the case. With the power contained in the girl, she could easily conceal things, and easily betray them - just as her mother had done. It made sense now, the way they had not been able to simply find the girl when they had wanted to. Having always assumed the human part of her would make her weaker and easier to find, they had been baffled that they could not find a trace of her. She was simply gone , in the way that Angel’s souls are gone when their time is done, and they assumed she had died. Now it seemed she had been cloaking herself this entire time, without even meaning to.

    Yes, her soul was a very confusing thing. And Leonara was now faced with the task of training that soul to be the weapon she was always meant to be. She would have to tell the others in her group, her family, that this weapon was not the puppet they thought it would be. No, this was a very dangerous weapon indeed - much better than they had anticipated. And at last they had her- she only had to figure out how much to tell the girl, how to break it to her without frightening her - or without her becoming too powerful for the Angels to handle.


    M ia slept for a long time, and it was a dreamless sleep. When she awoke after hours of darkness, it was to find that the room she was in was dark too. She sat up unsteadily, feeling out-of-sorts, almost like she had the flu. She ached all over, and yet she couldn't say if it was her joints or her muscles that were actually aching. It was just an intangible pain, and it went right through her. She looked around the room, fuzzily trying to figure out where she was. A shadow shifted slightly in the corner, and she leaned forward and squinted, trying to adjust her eyes to the darkness. It was coming back to her, in pieces. That she had left home, that Leonara had needed to Read her. The pain that had set in, like shards of broken glass were flowing through her veins instead of blood. And then….what then? She must have blacked out. The pain was the last thing she remembered, and then there was only darkness.

    “ Leonara? Is that you? ” she called out softly. There was no reply, but she was certain that she had seen a movement. She held her breath and listened silently for any sound. She had the feeling she was being watched, and felt the hairs on her arms raise as she fought to stop herself from trembling. She was afraid, but could not pinpoint exactly why. “ Leonara? ” she called out again, slightly louder.

    Mia heard the tiniest sound of fabric brushing up against something - the wall, perhaps, as whoever or whatever was in here tried to make itself harder to see. Her heart began to pound in her chest, so loud that she was sure that the other person or other thing in the room could hear it too. She held her breath, so that she could listen better, but all that she could hear was her pounding heart and the blood rushing through her ears. Whoever or whatever was in the room with her, it was not Leonara, that was one thing she was sure of. She sat perfectly still, unsure as she did it why she was doing it. Surely the other…whatever…in the room knew she was there, and so keeping herself quiet was something of a pointless exercise.

    Gently and as quietly as she could, she began to ease herself off the bed. She cringed as the springs of the old bed creaked beneath her as she moved, and then gave one final squeak of relief as her weight left the bed altogether, and she stood on the floor, perfectly motionless. Slowly and gently, she edged her way along the side of the bed, to where she knew the bedside table stood. As she turned her head and squinted through the darkness, she noticed that even the alarm clock was off, so there was not even the tiny bit of light that the digits would have cast in the room. She reached out towards the table when she thought she was nearing it, slowly and gently, not wanting to knock anything

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