Awakening (Children of Angels)

Awakening (Children of Angels) by Jessica Gibson Page A

Book: Awakening (Children of Angels) by Jessica Gibson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Gibson
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described, as though something in her was shying away from the heat. And that was when the pain began. Instead of the uncomfortable warmth, she felt a piercing pain begin to spread through her entire body, from the same point the warmth had started - the palm of the Angel’s hand.

    “ MIA! ” came Leonara ’ s voice, stern and commanding, it did not seem to come from her mouth, rather it was all around Mia, and it was quite surreal. “ Remember, it is only when you resist that this hurts! I am not done yet Mia - I can not stop, you must calm yourself! ”
    But it was no good, the damage was done. Mia began to squirm and try to get away from Leonara’s firm hand pressing down on her, now physically restraining her, to keep the connection intact. She opened her mouth to scream, but the scream never made it out of her throat, as the Angel sent her Influence over the girl in a flash, and she was lost to unconsciousness.

    It would not stop the pain, regrettably, Leonara knew that. She realized this was her only chance to determine what powers and abilities lay within this girl, and that after the experience the girl had just had with being Read, even if she agreed to it being done again once she had calmed herself, Leonara would have to start from scratch, and the tension in the girl would never be completely gone.

    Although it was harder to Read someone when they were unconscious, especially when they had been unnaturally influenced into unconsciousness, and she was fighting against the girls own natural instinct to protect her soul, it had to be done. She had gotten far enough in that doing this last part “the hard way” was much better than starting over and doing it all “the easy way”. She supposed that a human might feel remorse for causing another suffering, and wondered what that might feel like. Something in her stirred, regret or something similar, and that alone was enough to make Leonara glad she was not weighed down by human emotions.

    What she found in Mia was confusing, even to her. A soul was usually a fairly simple thing, either it had power or it did not. Human souls did not. Mia’s soul resembled a humans more closely than it did an Angel’s, but the power that was there burned much more brightly than power did in an Angel’s soul. Souls are a difficult thing to explain, but they were something that an Angel has an innate understanding of - Mia’s soul, however, baffled Leonara.

    Whilst she considered what she had ‘seen’ in Mia, she sent a little more Influence over the girl, so that she would sleep longer, and heal faster. She wondered whether she should have done it, whether it was an abuse - but then, if Mia was angry with her, she would be angry with her regardless of whether she extended the sleep or not. It was curious that her Influence worked on the girl at all, she thought. The human parts of her soul would be affected by it, but the curiously concentrated portions of her Angel soul should have overridden Leonara’s own powers, which were laughably weak by comparison. The Angel could only assume that it was the girl who was holding herself back.

    Although she was in fact an extremely powerful Angel, her Truth was that she was merely a human girl. Or had been, until very recently. She was just becoming used to her new identity, but her Truth was still that she was a human girl - albeit one born very unconventionally. For now, Leonara supposed, it was good that the girl did not know her full power. She could easily overpower Leonara, and any other Angel who happened to come along, once she realized her full potential. Although she had seen no signs that Mia wanted to do anything but the right thing, she could not be too careful, given the child’s parentage.

    They had always assumed that an Angel Child would have been a most valuable weapon as they could be controlled by their Angel handlers, and that the Angels would be able to read their minds and know for certain that their

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