Awake Asleep Dreaming Dead

Awake Asleep Dreaming Dead by John Siwicki Page A

Book: Awake Asleep Dreaming Dead by John Siwicki Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Siwicki
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sometimes I like to look up at the stars. We all look up in wonder, and ask ourselves, What’s out there beyond the darkness? I think staring at stars is similar to looking into someone’s eyes. They twinkle and sparkle, hide thoughts and secrets from the past. A mind is an unknown universe waiting to be discovered.
    You are right, old-timer, Holiday said. I couldn’t wait to see’em when I got out of the can.
    Sam drove up a gravel road that led to a building with a big green sign with white lettering that said, INFORMATION.
    I’ll go in and ask about camping here for the night. It shouldn’t cost too much to get a spot for the night. Be right back. I like looking at stars, too, but let’s get the camp set up before they come out.
    That sounds like a plan, Holiday said. Be waiting right here for you.
    Tom and Holiday got out to stretch and walk around. As they stood by the car waiting, Holiday pulled out a pack of smokes. Care for one, old timer?
    Sure. I quit these things years ago, but guess it doesn’t much matter anymore at this point.
    Well, here you go, Holiday said, and handed it to Tom, then took out a lighter, and lit it for him.
    Tom took a drag, letting the smoke fill his lungs, then blew a cloud up in the air. Breathing in smoke, why do people do it? I think if enough people believe something the rest will follow. P.T. Barnum couldn’t have said it better, “There’s a sucker born every minute”, at least I think it was him, and that includes every person who’s lit up a butt.
    We’re all set, Sam said as he walked back to the car. We’ve got a camp site on the top of the mountain. It’s private, but strange, though, the guy in the office said we’re the only ones here. I guess it’s slow during mid-week.
    Let’s go find our spot, and set up camp before dark.
    Sounds good to me, Holiday said. Let’s go see what this campsite looks like. I can’t wait to sit around a campfire, and sing some songs.
    This guy is nuts, Sam thought.
    They jumped back into the car, and started up the winding road, bouncing through potholes, over large stones, finally making it to the top and parking. Man, that was a rough ride, Sam said. I hope the car’s okay. I felt it bottom out a few times.
    There’s a good spot, Holiday pointed. Let’s camp there.
    Sam pulled into the spot. Let’s unload our gear, so we can take it easy later. How about getting some wood for a fire? There’s a fire pit right there.
    Tom was drinking again, and seemed to be getting along with Holiday, and talking up a storm as they set up the campsite. Sam took a beer out of the cooler. They’re talking like they met some time back, like old friends, or rivals.
    You know, now that I think about it I wonder if we’ve met, Holiday said. You look familiar, old timer.
    Possibly, in another life, Tom said.
    You traveled much?
    Yup, been just about everywhere.
    Oh, yeah? Where, Holiday said mocking Tom, or should I guess or something?
    If you want to, Tom said, and thought, Jackass.
    Okay, Holiday said, I’ll take a stab at it. I’ll ask him about a place far away, Holiday thought, and ones he’s probably never been to. How about Japan? Been there?
    Yup, Tom said un-flapped. You should go.
    Really! Well, that’s something. What’s it like?
    Everything seems small, Tom said, then thought, Like your brain, numbskull.
    They talk funny there, don’t they?
    They speak Japanese.
    But, it sounds funny, don’t it?
    It’s a different language, Tom said. If you want to say, yes, you say hai.
    Really, say hi for yes, Holiday said, if that don’t beat all. How do they say, no, he asked? Bye, he said, and laughed.
    Sam watched the two of them talk on, then walked over, and sat near the fire.
    Well you both seem to be getting on. What are you talking about?
    Been talking about when Tom here went to Japan, Holiday said.
    Japan? Sam said, surprised, and looked at Tom. When were you in Japan?
    Years ago, built some log cabins in the countryside near a

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