Avis Blackthorn and the Magical Multicolour Jumper (The Wizard Magic School Series, Book 2)

Avis Blackthorn and the Magical Multicolour Jumper (The Wizard Magic School Series, Book 2) by Jack Simmonds

Book: Avis Blackthorn and the Magical Multicolour Jumper (The Wizard Magic School Series, Book 2) by Jack Simmonds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Simmonds
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end of his chin fell into his lap. “At home over the summer…” And I told them all about escaping from Ross with the Seven League Shoes (which I had hidden in my bag upstairs), and then coming face to face with my Granddad who I thought was dead. Tina was frowning as I continued to explain that he gave me a channeller which lit the room up and then, he and the room vanished.
    “Show me it,” she said. I reached under my shirt and pulled out the thin, black marked, golden metal channeller. “Hmmm,” she hummed inspecting it closely. “Looks like it’s a part of something else doesn’t it, the way the jagged metal forms this shape? And this rune will mean something. Typical we don’t study runes yet. At least if the room lit up, it’s meant for you,” she winked.
    “But what about my Granddad?”
    “What about him?” she said distractedly.
    “He’s supposed to be dead?”
    Robin burped. “You sure it happened, could it have been an illusion?”
    “He gave me this channeller didn’t he? So it can’t be.”
    Tina sighed. “Anyway, sorry I can’t help. I’m just going go and speak to my friends,” she said, standing and pushing her mash and peas away.
    “Ok, well I’m going up to bed now, it’s been a long day,” I said. “Coming Robin?”
    “Sure,” he said clutching his stomach. “Think I did eat it a bit quick actually.”
    As we left I saw Tina go, not to her own form table, but that of the Swillows. I didn’t know she had any friends in the Swillow form?
    Robin and I traipsed out of the Chamber, pushing open the big oak doors, before coming face to face with Graham, Simon, Jake, Jess, Dawn and Florence who stood (just about), looking like zombies and dripping with sweat.
    “Er, you do know dinners nearly over?” I said trying to hold back the smirk, they didn’t look so cocky now.
    “Yes, well, we’ve only just made it out of the class haven’t we?” said Graham through pursed lips.
    Jake waddled forwards toward the Chamber door. “Yes, if one person cannot do all ov’ the press ups we all do more!” he said shooting a glance at Dawn, who looked shell shocked.
    Robin smirked. “Treat yourself to some Mango Perry — oh no you can’t, we just finished it,” he said, before spluttering with laughter.
    Graham shot Robin a murderous stare. “I’m not aching enough to come and box your ears!” he said. Jake stood in front of the doors and looked at me pleadingly.
    “Oh fine,” I said opening the door for them. “Night all.”
    I nearly fell asleep as I brushed my teeth, nearly accidentally squeezing Moss Moisturiser on my toothbrush instead of Spider Leg Toothpaste, ergh , can you imagine? Robin looked disgustedly at my black toothpaste before pulling out his vile minty smelling stuff that you Outsiders use. The boys bathroom was big and long, with white and black tiled floors, long rows of sinks and mirrors, followed by five bathtubs next to each other with a magic curtain that pops up when you get in (so no one can see you in the nude). As well as a long wall of grubby toilet cubicles, with a soggy old looking mop going from one to the other wiping the floor fruitlessly. Opposite them was a big display cabinet full of magical washing bits like Bernard’s Butterfly Lotion, Vampy’s Blood Hair Wash and Shaun-John’s Own Spider’s Eye Face Wash, amongst others. There were also large iron metal grates along the bottom of the walls, where the excess water flowed out — and, as me and Robin found out last year — one of them led, via the underground river, all the way to the Library. As I recalled, the loose grate that gave easy access was the one nearest the display cabinet. After washing I was just about to leave, before I turned and saw Robin, with his shirt off, checking himself in the mirror.
    “What on earth are you doing?” I said, trying not look at his pale posterior.
    He was turning and trying to check his back. “Think all those exercises have done some

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