Autumn Wish

Autumn Wish by Stacey Joy Netzel Page A

Book: Autumn Wish by Stacey Joy Netzel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Joy Netzel
    “He wants to talk.” She lowered her voice. “He just got here. I didn’t know he was coming over.”
    “I told you he was jealous.”
    She shrugged, not sure what to say. She wasn’t even sure what she wanted to happen right now. The other night she was so sure she didn’t want Joe back. That part of her wanted him to leave. The other part, smaller, but there nonetheless, couldn’t help but remember the year she’d loved him with all her heart, and the future she imagined they’d have together. That part insisted she at least listen to what he had to say.
    She handed Ella into Sam’s arms. “Here, you take her, and I’ll be right back out with her things.”
    Inside, she saw Joe by her island counter, in full view of the door. He started to speak, but she held up a hand for him to wait as she grabbed the diaper bag and carrier.
    Back on the porch, Sam accepted the diaper bag and slung it over his shoulder before taking the carrier in the same hand. Ella was swinging her arms again, and Nikki caught hold of one as she met Sam’s guarded gaze.
    “Same time tomorrow morning?”
    “Yeah.” He glanced past her shoulder. “Good luck.”
    Her attempt to smile wouldn’t stick, so she resorted to a nod and turned away.
    “Hey, Nik,” he called softly.
    She spun back to face him and saw he’d set the carrier down. He stepped forward and leaned in, his body angled to hold Ella out of the way. His fingers threaded through her hair until he could urge her forward.
    Resistance never even crossed her mind as his head lowered and he whispered, “Maybe this will help.”
    His mouth covered hers in a slow kiss that ignited the simmering attraction from two nights ago. She braced her hand on his forearm, rising up on her tiptoes to increase the pressure. His fingers flexed for a brief moment against the back of her neck, then he lifted his head and let her go. His gaze locked on hers, his eyes the rich color of scorched caramel in the setting sunlight.
    He dipped to snag the carrier, then hurried down the steps and strode across her yard to his own. Nikki watched him, desperately trying to make herself breathe normally before facing the man she’d been prepared to spend the rest of her life with only one short month ago.
    Maybe this will help? How? Joe wanted to explain how he’d made a mistake by leaving, but after that kiss, and all she could think about right now was Sam.
    “Are you sleeping with him?”
    The accusing question jolted her attention. She took a deep breath as she stepped back inside and closed the door before facing Joe.
    “No, I’m not sleeping with him.”
    “Yet. He’s definitely aiming to get you in his bed, and using his baby to do it.”
    “It’s not like that.” Irritation lent an edge to her voice as she picked up the toys from the blanket on the floor and carried them to the kitchen to wipe off. “I’m helping him with his niece , that’s all. We’re barely dating.” Even that claim was a major exaggeration.
    He came to stand by the counter next to her. “You mean that’s not even his kid?”
    “He’s taking care of Ella for his sister. She’s...working through some things right now. He hadn’t cared for a baby before, so I offered to show him what to do.”
    “And you’re babysitting for him, too?”
    “Damn it, Nicole, can’t you see he’s using you?”
    She dropped the toys in the sink and whirled around. “If you want to put it that way, then we’re using each other. I lost my job yesterday, and until I find another one, babysitting his little girl is my only income.”
    “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that.”
    “And why would you? You’re not part of my life anymore.”
    He slid his hand across the counter to cover hers. “I’d like to be.”
    The warmth of his touch sent a frisson of remembered awareness up her arm, but she pulled away from the unwelcome sensation. “Coming in here and acting like a jerk is not

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