Autumn Sacrifice

Autumn Sacrifice by Bronwyn Green Page A

Book: Autumn Sacrifice by Bronwyn Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bronwyn Green
Tags: Romance
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considerably earlier than most shifters did, she’d known she’d been replaced in her father’s affections. Not that she’d ever had all that much to begin with. Maybe things would have been different if her mom was still around. He’d definitely gotten worse after she’d died.
    Blinking rapidly, Brenna willed away the tears and looked toward the front of the church where the bridesmaids and groomsmen had assembled.
    “Are you okay?” Caleb asked.
    Nodding, she forced a smile she was far from feeling and stood as the bride walked down the aisle. Caleb’s hand settled warmly at the small of Brenna’s back, chasing away the lingering sadness. Or at least overshadowing it slightly. Her stomach flip-flopped nervously. She wasn’t sure if it was the anxiety she felt at being home again or the sensation of Caleb’s thumb brushing rhythmically along her spine.
    A slow, languorous heat spread throughout her body. How was it that such an innocent touch could make her want all the things she couldn’t have—namely Caleb and his brothers? And a life in her hometown. Pushing aside her ill-timed melancholy, she focused on her cousin and the reason she’d returned home.
    It was impossible to ignore the wall of men around her, but she still managed to pay attention to the ceremony, discreetly wiping away tears as Roxy made her way back down the aisle with her new husband. Her cousin didn’t even bother waiting for the receiving line before making a beeline to Brenna’s seat and leaning over Caleb to hug her fiercely.
    “I was so afraid you weren’t going to make it,” Roxy whispered as she squeezed her.
    Guilt swamped Brenna as she returned the other woman’s hug. “I was just telling Caleb, I wouldn’t have missed it.”
    Roxy pulled back and gave her a stern look. “And you’d better not take off until we get a chance to catch up.” She glanced at Ethan and the others. “Keep an eye on her, will you? At least, until after the reception. I don’t want her to leave before we get to visit.”
    After introducing her husband, she took her place in the reception line, and Brenna moved to exit the pew, but Caleb was blocking her way. “And where do you think you’re going?”
    Brenna rolled her eyes. “Seriously?”
    “We’ve been given our orders.” A slow, wicked grin spread across his face and she was glad she was still seated. She’d forgotten how tummy-fluttering the sight of his smile was.
    Ethan scooted closer behind her and settled his hand on her waist. The tremors in her stomach increased at his touch, and she shifted nervously.
    “How about if we walk you to the reception?” Ethan offered.
    “Great idea,” Jake said.
    Caleb continued to smile, appreciation shimmering in his gaze has he looked at her. “Yeah. We’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”
    Brenna’s breath caught in her chest as she lost herself in the heat in his expression. She needed to get out of here before she jumped the man in the middle of the church and made her cousin’s wedding that much more memorable.
    She’d always found all three brothers attractive, but Caleb had made her insides melty since she’d first figured out what lust felt like. And she’d had an unrequited crush on him ever since. Much to her annoyance, she’d compared every guy she’d ever dated to him. And unsurprisingly, none had ever measured up.
    Taking her hand, Caleb gently tugged her from her seat and led her out the side door, into the late afternoon sunshine, with Jake and Ethan following close behind. Her heart loosened slightly as she took in the sights of Calumet, the small town where she’d grown up. She hadn’t even realized how much she’d missed her home and her friends until she’d come back. Maybe, this wouldn’t be the awkward homecoming she’d feared.
    Still hand in hand with Caleb, Brenna rounded the corner and nearly ran into her father.
    Heart in her throat, she backed up a step and tried to pull her hand free of Caleb’s,

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