Autumn Moon

Autumn Moon by Karen Michelle Nutt

Book: Autumn Moon by Karen Michelle Nutt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Michelle Nutt
and evil took precedence. Autumn Moon is your destiny. What did The Seer mean? Maybe he was meant to save Autumn from what Heng had planned. He vowed to protect her. He would do whatever it took to make sure she came out of this alive and unscathed. He glanced at the computer screen in front of him. He was finished here. He logged out.
    “It’s time,” Chin announced.
    Autumn walked over to Jairec. “Let me warn—”
    He pulled her into his arms before she could finish, but backed away immediately his hands burning. “What the hell are you wearing?”
    “Sorry, I tried to tell you. I’m wearing a copper mesh vest.” She lifted her shirt to reveal the lethal metal. “I’m not super human but it will protect me some.”
    He nodded. “It’ll protect you from me, also.”
    “I didn’t wear it to ward you off.”
    He held up his hand halting her words. “I know, but we don’t know what will happen tonight. I’m not sure if I can keep the demon locked inside of me forever. His fingers slid through his hair, where he knew the strands of gray had grown long and thick. “Promise me, Autumn. If we fail, you’ll end my life.”
    She shook her head.
    “You have to. Please don’t let me turn into a monster feeding on the innocent.”
    “You won’t do that.”
    “You give me too much credit.” He sighed. “Just promise me.”
    Tears sprang to her eyes, but she gave him a quick nod. “I promise.”
    Chin cleared his throat, drawing their attention. “I hate to break up the tender moment, but we have a job to do.”
    Autumn took a deep breath, bringing her emotions under check. She glanced at Yi who stood by her grandfather. He wouldn’t meet her gaze. “What exactly is our plan?” Autumn asked.
    “We draw them out. Keep the minions from killing our neighbors and the tourists. When Heng is among them, I’ll conjure up a thunderstorm.”
    “What?” Autumn and Jairec chimed in at the same time.
    “A thunderstorm. Jin and I banished Heng’s spirit to a container with a binding spell. We buried it, foolishly thinking no one would unearth it. We believed Heng would never be released, a mistake on our part. Thunder is a magical power conjured from dragon’s magic. Unfortunately, when we encountered Heng the first time, we didn’t realize the significance of it or we would have used it. It will kill him and all the others that follow under his rule. This will end tonight.”
    “And what of Jairec?” Autumn held her grandfather’s gaze.
    He sighed. “There is a chance that he may perish along with the rest of them.”
    “No.” She shook her head. “No, there must be another way.”
    “Autumn, it’s all right,” Jairec spoke up.
    She looked at him with disbelief. “It’s not all right. The Seer sent you to me to help you. Destroying you can’t be what she had in mind.”
    “No, I don’t want to hear it.” She whirled around and fled upstairs.
    Jairec looked at Chin. “I’ll talk to her.”
    “The thunder may not affect you,” Chin told him as he walked past.
    Jairec turned to face him. “Why wouldn’t it?” 
    “You haven’t killed an innocent. Your humanity is still intact.”
    Jairec nodded. “Still, she needs to be prepared. Either way, I’m ready to meet my fate.”
    “Good to know, chiang-shih.”
    Yi walked over to the stairs, holding onto the rail as he stared after Jairec. “What does he have that I don’t have?”
    Chin sighed. “Dear boy, he has Autumn’s heart.”
    Chapter Twenty-Two
    The band blared, drums beating in time with the thump of Autumn’s heart. Jairec went with her to head up the front and Yi went with her grandfather to bring up the rear. She gazed at the people who were her neighbors and friends. They were in danger but she knew she couldn’t yell from a rooftop, begging them to go back to their homes and lock the doors. Even with their superstitious beliefs of placing mirrors on the outside of their windows to ward off evil, they

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