Autumn and Summer

Autumn and Summer by Danielle Allen

Book: Autumn and Summer by Danielle Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danielle Allen
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the spark only happens in the bedroom. And ain’t nothing wrong with that! This is Autumn’s line of thinking and I’m going to have to tell her that I don’t appreciate her somehow infiltrating my mind in a very ‘Inception’-like way.
    “ When you spend as much time traveling as I do, you have to have that person who grounds you, that person who is your partner in crime, that person that reminds you of where you come from. So finally, I’d like to thank my date for being here for me and with me tonight,” Camilla concluded, blowing Xavier a kiss.
    Hearing Camilla mention her “date” made everything else fade away. Looking in the direction in which Camilla blew a kiss, I scanned the crowd for Xavier. Spotting him off to the side of the stage, my heart beat increased in speed. While everyone was clapping in acknowledgement of his support, he smiled and nodded politely. I watched him glance around the room and when our eyes met, I felt a jolt.
    Fucking sparks, I thought as he held my gaze.

Chapter 8: Autumn
                  The night air was cooler than I anticipated and the summer breeze nipped at my skin. Looking at my phone, I raised my eyebrows in surprise. After ten o’clock already? I thought as I waited for a taxi.  The street, which was bustling when I walked into FX, was practically empty. A few stragglers were walking around while music from bars and restaurants bled onto the street. A taxi crept up to the spot on the sidewalk where we stood.
                  I turned my body to fully face Brecken James. “Thank you so much for tonight. Everything has been lovely,” I complimented my handsome date.
                  “I enjoyed getting to know you, Autumn. I don’t know the rules of this game you and Summer are playing, but I would love to hear from you again,” Brecken said as he opened the door of the taxi. “Take my card. Give me a call.”
                  I accepted the card from him and wrapped my fingers around it. “Thank you,” I replied, reaching up to give him a hug.
    He smiled as I released him and grabbed my hand, helping me slide into the backseat. “I look forward to hearing from you soon,” Brecken said before shutting my door and taking a step back from the curb.
    I waved at him as I gave the driver my address. Putting my head back against the headrest, I closed my eyes and replayed the last few hours. From the moment Brecken came outside to escort me to our table, I knew he was attractive, successful and charming. But by the time we were seated for dinner, I knew he wasn’t the one. Brecken had a controlling, alpha-male personality that seemed to straddle the line between gentlemanly and chauvinistic.
    “Thank you,” I said as we turned onto my street. When we came to a stop, I handed the driver cash and quickly made my way into the house. The darkened house was quiet. I clicked on lights as I made my way to the kitchen.
    “Summer?” I called out as I walked. “Summer?!”
    I guess she’s not home yet, I realized as I picked up a teabag. Grabbing a mug out of the cabinet, I filled it with water and put it in the microwave to be heated. As I leaned against the counter, my mind wandered back to my date.
    I can totally see why Summer thought he’d be my type, I reasoned. Brecken is handsome and well educated. But—. My thoughts were interrupted by the beeping sound of the microwave.
    Preparing my tea, I sat at the table and pulled out my phone.
    Autumn Jones: Hey! I’m home. You okay?
    Summer Wilson: I’m pulling up now. We need to talk. ASAP!
                  Moments later, Summer burst through the door, screaming my name.
                  “I’m in the kitchen,” I called out as I heard her heels clicking against the floor-boards.
                  “First things first,” Summer started as she dropped into the chair across from me. “How was your

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