Aurora Saga 2 Immortality for Life
of the two Frinduls standing either side of her, while further along the bar a couple were kissing very lovingly. At some of the tables Gullin women were entertaining the Frinduls, chatting and drinking with them.
    As Zoren and Kalrea approached the bar, the noise in the room lessened and everyone seemed intent to stare at Kalrea, who turned towards then and said calmly,
    ‘You look like you’ve never seen a female before. You all need to get out more.’
    ‘Dress like that in here and you’re asking for trouble,’ the young Gullin barwoman said to Kalrea and then asked her, ‘What do you want to drink?’ and pointed to four huge display windows, which each contained a coloured liquid.
    I hope she doesn’t ask me.
    He tried to listen to the conversation of two Frinduls standing nearby, but they were both speaking in another language.
    ‘Two of the tyi, please,’ Kalrea said to the barwoman, who then went to a display window, which contained a blue liquid, and pressed a button beneath it twice. Two small transparent bags were filled with the liquid and she returned with them.
    ‘That’s 50 yek.’
    She placed the blue bags on top of the bar, where they both naturally spread outwards forming what looked like very large water droplets lying on the bar surface. In their centres, protruding upwards, were long flexibly straw-like tubes to drink from.
    At one of several small terminals located along the length of the bar, Kalrea typed a code. The barwoman acknowledged her payment.
    Zoren picked up his bag of drink, which felt rubbery and slightly sticky. He wondered how he was meant to handle it, so he observed a Frindul standing at the bar who had a bag balanced on his shoulder and was drinking from it using the tube.
    ‘Are you sure you can drink, Kalrea?’ Zoren asked quietly, while trying to place the bag on his right shoulder.
    She smiled back. ‘Yes, don’t worry. I’m not going to short circuit if that’s what you’re worried about.’
    ‘It’s just that I wouldn’t like to be alone here, that’s all. They look like-’
    He was interrupted by a scuffle at one of the tables. When he glanced over to see what was going on, he noticed three Agonians sitting at a table behind them in the corner of the room.
    ‘Kalrea, I can see some of my people. Over there, to the right of the main door,’ he said quietly.
    Kalrea casually looked around as to not attract attention.
    ‘Yes, I recognise them as Gulco, Diean and Vinuar. They look in good health, but seem very frightened.’
    ‘Hello, darlin’!’ a Frindul said, as he placed his hand on Kalrea’s shoulder. ‘Are you looking for me?’
    ‘Depends,’ Kalrea replied. ‘What ship are you from?’
    ‘The Triput , why?’
    ‘In that case, no and I’m not your darling.’ She pushed his hand off her shoulder. ‘Now piss off!’
    Zoren was surprised by Kalrea’s language.
    She smirked at him and said quietly, ‘Sorry, it seems to be the type of response they expect in here.’ Kalrea then turned and without hesitation called out. ‘I’m looking for the captain of the Ringal . Can any of you help me, please?’
    A lot of the Frinduls stopped what they were doing and stared at Kalrea. Within a few second all conversation ended and there was deaf silence.
    ‘Looks like there are a few of you in here from the Ringal , and it would seem your captain may be here too. So, which one of you is the captain?’
    An obese Frindul who was still seated at a table, looked over. ‘What do you want?’
    ‘I’m interested in the cargo you had onboard.’
    ‘Now why would you be interested in my cargo?’ the captain replied.
    ‘I want to buy one of the Agonians you have.’
    Zoren noticed that they seemed to get jumpy when Kalrea mentioned the word Agonians.
    ‘Kalrea,’ he said quietly. ‘We don’t have any weapons. What are you doing?’
    Kalrea dismissed his comment by moving her arm in front of him as if to stop his interference.
    Suddenly a drunken

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