Driving down the hill to the nearest Costco gave Becca time to cool off a bit. Also, the further away from Nicholas she got, the more under control the seething power inside of her became. At some point she should probably spend some time considering why her fae power was asserting itself so strongly since she'd found Nicholas. Right now she was content to chock it up to frustration.
As she stared at the aisles, she realized she had no idea what to feed him. Based on the very carnivorous look of his teeth, meat seemed like the most obvious choice. Nicholas had always been health-conscious and fit. She would have hated to admit it to Alex or anyone else, but there was a reason women fell all over themselves for him, and it wasn't just his pretty face.
After filling her cart with red meat, she swung through the produce department and added some vegetables to the mix. She tossed a few frozen dinners for herself in the cart before checking out. As she watched the total ring up, she said a small prayer of thanks for the healthy credit limit on her card.
"Wow, that's a lot of steak,” commented the cashier.
“Family barbecue,” she replied shortly as she mentally calculated how long this much food should last Nicholas. He was nothing if not large. She was really just taking a stab in the dark as to the amount of food it would require to maintain that body mass.
"Must have a big family."
"I love barbecue." The cashier grinned at her as he slid another package of steak over the scanner.
Becca stared at him blankly for a moment. Is he flirting with me? She reassessed the cashier. He was near her in age. He was attractive enough, with light brown hair, dark eyes, and a very nice smile, although she could have done without the earring.
She honestly hadn't even noticed him. Her mind hadn't even strayed far enough from Nicholas to notice an attractive, age—and species—appropriate man who was potentially interested in her.
Becca managed what she hoped was a polite smile. "Everyone likes barbecue," she forced out through her gritted teeth.
What is wrong with me? She castigated herself as she loaded her bags into the trunk of her Jetta. Why am I even comparing him with Nicholas? I'm not even interested in Nicholas as anything other than what he is...
And what is he? A little voice inside her asked as she got behind the wheel.
"Currently enchanted. Too old. Frustrating as hell. We're not even friends."
Becca turned the radio up loud enough to drown out that little voice before it could ask any more questions.
It took Becca several trips from her car into the house to carry in her groceries. Luckily the fridge was oversized, so she was able to shove the meat and vegetables into it.
Becca knew Nicholas had to be extremely hungry, but she also knew if he ate too much on such an empty stomach, he’d make himself sick.
“Why I should care, I really don’t know,” she muttered under her breath as she turned the oven on to preheat. But she did as evidenced by the sad fact that she was about to cook nearly fifteen pounds of steak. She was entirely sure that Nicholas would have no physical issue eating it raw, but she was worried about his emotional response.
“Yes,” Becca addressed the oven as she slid a huge roasting pan full of meat into it. “I’m now so far removed from reality, I’m worrying about Nicholas Hunt’s feelings. I should have my head examined.”
She left the tray of cooked steaks in front of the fake cabinet wall that separated Nicholas’s domain from the rest of the house. She didn’t bother to knock on the door or call out to him. She knew he could hear her moving around the kitchen, had probably smelled the meat as soon as she’d brought it into the house. The fact that he hadn’t come straight upstairs and eaten it right away was testament to how strongly he was controlling himself. Not that Becca cared. She was still angry at his giving up in the first
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