At the Edge

At the Edge by Norah McClintock

Book: At the Edge by Norah McClintock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Norah McClintock
start. Nick had spent it at a group home for troubled boys, trying to find out what had happened to the brother of an old friend. I’d stayed at Morgan’s summerhouse. And true, Nick and I hadn’t seen much of each other during the second half. But when he’d come to Morgan’s place for a couple of weekends, he had seemed to enjoy my company. He had been sweet and attentive. He’d even gotten along reasonably well with Morgan. I’d thought everything was perfect.
    Now I was beginning to wonder. Maybe it hadn’t been so perfect. Who knew what Nick had been up to in the city without me? He had run into his old friend Danny, who had landed him a job at her dad’s company—and it strangely had never came up that she was a girl—and he and Danny had spent every night together at work. He had reconnected with her parents, and it seemed pretty clear that he was more comfortable around them than he was around my mom and dad. My father had always treated Nick well. But my mom had never been thrilled that I was seeing him. Danny’s parents were obviously different. They had known Nick when he was just a kid. They had known his mother, too. They had seen firsthand what Nick’s stepfather was like. They knew what he had done—to Nick and to his mom. Maybe that made all the difference. Maybe that was why they were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. They had started in the same place as Nick and his family. They knew the worst about him, but they didn’t hold it against him.
    But what did that mean? Sure, Nick and I were different from each other. But were we too different to make it work? Were we too different for Nick to want to make it work? Was Morgan right—was James a better person for me?
    When it came right down to it, Morgan didn’t know a thing about James. The poor guy. I felt so sorry for him. He’d dealt with so much. But here he was, struggling to get his life on track and to make a future for himself. My problems seemed like nothing compared to his.
    I drew in a deep breath and pulled myself up straight. I would talk to Nick in the morning before school. I would apologize for the way I had been behaving. And I would brace myself for whatever he decided to say to me.
    I went into my room and sat down at the desk. I pulled my schedule out of my backpack and looked at my homework assignments. With a sigh, I switched on my computer. And then, because it was on anyway, I went online and Googled the name Gregory Paul Johnson. I didn’t pull up a lot of information, just a few old news articles. The facts were all pretty much as James had described them. But there was one piece of information he hadn’t mentioned. I stared at it, stunned. No wonder Gregory Johnson’s name had sounded familiar.

    obyn, I was just going to call you,” my mother said when I reached her on her phone. She sounded upbeat, even excited. I guessed that Ted must have already joined her out west.
    â€œHow’s the trip, Mom?” I said, even though that wasn’t the reason I had called.
    â€œIt’s been great,” my mother said. “You’re going to love it out here, honey.”
    â€œMe? What are you talking about, Mom?”
    â€œI was going to wait until I came home to tell you. But they want an answer soon. Robyn, I’ve been offered a job out here.”
    I was so astonished that I couldn’t speak.
    â€œRobyn? Are you still there? Did you hear what
I said?”
    â€œYou’re not going to take it, are you, Mom?”
    â€œThat’s what I wanted to talk to you about. It’s a terrific opportunity for me. Ted arrived today. We’re looking at houses.”
    â€œHouses? You mean you are going to take it?”
    â€œI haven’t given them my answer yet. They’re giving me a week to decide. But I don’t see how I can pass it up. Ted is willing to relocate. And you really will love it,

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