At Last

At Last by Ella Stone

Book: At Last by Ella Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Stone
was amazing. The very best sex, the most incredible moment of her life. And he had given it to her. Her Kevin. The only man who had never let her down, even now.
    She moved toward him and drew herself against him, wrapping her arm over his ribs, resting her head against his chest, feeling his soft, smooth, sweat-coated flesh against her cheek. He breathed in, deeply, then let it out in a sigh. She was pretty sure it had been the best sex of his life too.

Chapter 7
    I CAN’T BELIEVE IT , Kevin thought as Susan dozed in his arms. It sucked!
    Not that sex with Susan had been bad. On the contrary, it was amazing, explosive, he’d had to really concentrate not to just come the instant he’d entered her. He’d wanted her for so long, had had so many fantasies, so many pornographic machinations. He’d had to think about work: about Baroque archways and Roman columns, about the acoustics of the wooden theaters of Europe, about the facade of the theater he was working on. And only had six more months to finish.
    He didn’t even know if he was going to make the move he’d been planning.
    But Susan was in his arms, naked, writhing beneath him, kissing him like he was her only sustenance. He ended up losing the fight, losing himself in her, in her body, in her lips, how she’d tasted, the way she felt wrapped around him. How he felt inside her. Like he hadn’t lived before this moment and was just waking up from being asleep his entire life.
    And as he came, and she’d been convulsing against him in her own rapturous orgasm, he knew it wouldn’t be enough. Being her friend would never be enough. Even if he were her “friend with benefits,” it would never be enough. He had had her, made her tremble, made her call out his name in blind passion, had lost his very soul in making love to her and loving her. But she would never love him. Not like that. No matter how many times he did this to her, no matter how much he would love her, she would always see him as just her friend.
    As he slid out of her, his heart pulled apart as he left her embrace, and he knew he had to leave as soon as Liz got there. He had to escape before he lost his mind. But until he left he couldn’t just lock her in her room, tied to the least, not alone.
    Susan sighed and kissed his chest, right over his racing breaking heart, her lips soft and moist.
    He shook his head and called himself stupid. This would be his one and only chance to really be with her, to be her man, to be her lover--that’s what he’d wanted all these years, so he should enjoy it while he could. Quit complaining! He’d be up to his ears in hellish misery soon enough.
    Susan was pulling her tank top over her fancy, sexy bra, and Kevin, still shirtless, was just pulling his shorts up over his gorgeous rump, when a group of children stumbled into the clearing. All about six years old, all holding hands, dragging along a rather rumpled looking older man in a tropical print shirt. His legs stuck out the bottom of his shorts like scrawny, chalk white chicken wings.
    “Oh, dear...” he said, giving them both a keen once over. “I guess we’ve lost another virgin to the drop.”
    The children giggled, not really knowing what the old man was talking about, but children usually knew funny when they heard it--or in Susan and Kevin’s case, saw it.
    Kevin hastily zipped up his kakis and pulled his shirt over his head.
    She didn’t want him to cover up yet, she wasn’t done. And she’d already started making plans, libidinous, sweaty plans--there could be whipped cream involved...or maybe just that king sized bed in her room.
    “Come, children,” the old man said as he led them past Susan and Kevin, out into the clearing to look at the view. “From this spot you can see seventy different varieties of flowers and more than twenty species of trees.”
    “And two architects copulating,” Susan whispered to Kevin as she followed him back into the

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