Asylum Lake

Asylum Lake by R. A. Evans

Book: Asylum Lake by R. A. Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. A. Evans
Tags: Suspense, Horror, Mystery
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important connections, only because of the name you bear. Thomas Greene, as if it were a badge of honor. But I know you. I know the man you are…the father you are. And if grandfather were alive today he would not be honored by the son who bears his name, he would be disgraced!”
    Karen had turned from him then, tears welling in her eyes, and retreated from the kitchen to the bedroom. The final realization of the man her father truly was overwhelmed her. Karen’s sobs penetrated the apartment’s paper-thin walls.
    Thomas Greene’s expression quickly changed from shock back to anger as he caught Brady’s steely glare. Pen in hand, he scribbled something onto a check, tore it free from the book and then replaced the book in his jacket pocket.
    “I believe that was our invitation to leave, dear,” he said stiffly as he reached for his wife’s elbow to help her from the chair. Tess withdrew from her husband’s touch as if pained, and slowly stood on her own. Though small in stature, standing no more than five-foot-two-inches tall in her trademark heels, Tess Greene commanded a room. Brady could feel his father-in-law’s overbearing personality shrink as Tess took control of the situation.
    “Brady dear, if you would be so kind, could you fetch my things?”
    Brady did as requested and helped his mother-in-law into her expensive cashmere overcoat. Thomas remained rooted in place, red faced and silent.
    Tess turned and wrapped her arms around Brady, the first real sign of affection she had ever shown him. Although never impolite, Brady hadn’t exactly felt that he had won his mother-in-law over. Oddly, he sensed that something had now drastically changed.
    “Take care of her, Brady,” she whispered. “I’ll be in touch.” Releasing Brady, Tess Greene turned and walked to the door. “Thomas.” The word slithered through her lips dripping with venom.
    Thomas Greene straightened his tie and brushed by Brady to follow his wife from the apartment. He paused at the open door and then retraced his steps to stand before Brady.
    “I left it blank,” staring icily at his son-in-law as he shoved the check into Brady’s chest. “You fill in the amount,” his voice now thick with contempt. “Give it to charity. Hell, give yourself a raise, Tanner. With neither of you gainfully employed it looks like I’ll be supporting you and your child, too.” He stared down at Brady and added,” We both know this is what you’re after anyway.”
    Of course, months later, and in the solitude of his car, Brady could reflect on the occasion and think of a dozen razor-sharp retorts that would have cut the man to the bone. But at the time, he could only stare after the man in disbelief as Thomas Greene, the prick of all pricks, strutted through the open door, slamming it in his wake.
    Brady hadn’t mentioned the check to Karen; instead deciding to hide it away. Not that he had any plans for it. On the contrary, he wanted nothing to do with his father-in-law’s money; but when an opportunity had presented itself, both to do some good and to finally take his own jab at Thomas Greene, Brady couldn’t resist.
    Thomas Greene’s surprising $25,000 donation to Pride Chicago, a grassroots gay and lesbian awareness organization, had been lauded publicly, yet derided privately; especially in the conservative circles in which he often traveled.
    Thanks to Thomas Greene’s generosity, Pride Chicago’s president had proclaimed from the steps of city hall during the annual parade and rally, his organization’s message of tolerance and understanding would be part of a new curriculum being implemented throughout the Windy City’s public school system. The news had spread quickly and the memory of the coverage made Brady snicker.
    So, maybe the prick does have some cause to be pissy with me. Brady acknowledged as he drove. Regardless, he knew it wasn’t a question of if the snake would call again, but of when, and Brady vowed the next time he

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