Asperger Diaries: Jamie's New School

Asperger Diaries: Jamie's New School by H.B. Lawson Page A

Book: Asperger Diaries: Jamie's New School by H.B. Lawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.B. Lawson
Tags: Education, school, Diaries, autism, syndrome, aspergers, diary, asperger
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    We did circuits
in P.E. We had to climb ropes, climb a net, do forward and backward
rolls, and then jump over something that the teacher called a
horse. I was useless at everything, but the teacher didn’t seem to
mind. He spends most of his time with those boys who are good at
    Biology was
better today because the rat had gone.
    My maths
homework today was twenty algebra questions. It only took me twenty
five minutes to do them all. I know I won’t get full marks because
I haven’t shown any stupid working out.
    I didn’t finish
my homework until late tonight because I had to go back to school
to fetch my physics text book. I had left it in the classroom. I
told mum where it was so that she could go and fetch it for me. She
wouldn’t go by herself. That wasted a ton of time.
    I saw Rocky
while I was waiting for Jamie to come out of school. I tried to
catch his eye, but he jumped on the school bus. He was with a bunch
of four or five other boys, talking and laughing together. I wish
that was Jamie. When Jamie climbed into the car, he looked
exhausted and totally miserable as usual. I did try to make
conversation, but it was futile. He closed his eyes, and leaned on
the side window. It felt as though he was trying to shut me and the
rest of the world out.
    There was a
minor crisis after dinner. Jamie had left his physics text book at
school. He insisted he had to have it tonight because he couldn’t
do his homework without it. I made him take everything out of his
backpack. He got really nasty, and asked if I thought he was a
liar. I didn’t think he was lying. I did think he might be
mistaken. The book wasn’t there, so I said I would nip him to
school to fetch it. He wasn’t happy about that either. He said I
should go and fetch it by myself. He said he needed to stay at home
to do his other homework. I explained that the headmaster wouldn’t
be happy for me to be wandering around the school looking for
books. I told him, if he wanted his book, he would have to come
with me. In the end he did, but he moaned all the way there. It was
his fault! He forgot the damn book! I parked at the school gates
while he went and fetched the book. The journey home was just as
    6th October
    The ICT teacher
was back at school today. This week’s lesson was all about the
Internet. The man is crazy. He was talking about modems. Who goes
online using a modem? He tried to show us how to search on the
Internet. Most of the kids in my class have the Internet on their
smartphones. I don’t think they need any lessons on how to search.
I’ve started reading books on other subjects in his lesson. He saw
me reading my history book today, but he didn’t say anything.
    Adam Devlin
took a book out of my backpack and started throwing it back and
forth to another boy. They were both taller than me, so I couldn’t
reach it. I don’t understand why people do horrible things like
that. Mr Peters, the caretaker told them both off. He gave me my
book back, and took me into his office which is just around the
corner from Locker Alley. His office is really small. There is only
just enough room for a desk and two chairs. He gave me two
biscuits, and we talked about trams until the bell went. I like Mr
Peters. He is very interested in trams.
    When I
collected Jamie today, he was brighter than usual. He actually
talked to me all the way home. It made such a nice change. He said
he had been in the caretaker’s office. I don’t know how that came
about because I couldn’t get a word in. According to Jamie, the
caretaker is really interested in trams. Jamie ran through all the
stuff they had talked about in the lunch break. I can’t help but
wonder if the poor man couldn’t escape. Still it worked a treat. It
is the brightest I have seen him after school since he started

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