Ashley Merrick - India: Bride of Indiana (American Mail-Order Bride 19)
of lemon pie we’re going to split,” Laura whispered and India laughed. She had found a true friend in Laura and was having a dream-like night. She never could have imagined such an evening when she lived in Lawrence. No one she knew attended these kinds of events. No one could afford to do so.
    “What’s wrong? You look suddenly sad?” Laura asked.
    “Oh, it’s nothing. Just feeling grateful. Where I come from, no one goes to fancy events like this or could even imagine being able to afford a dress like this. It’s a little overwhelming.”
    Laura looked serious for a moment. “It’s true. We’re very lucky to live like we do. But don’t feel guilty for enjoying yourself now. I can tell that you are, a little.”
    India blushed and didn’t say anything. She couldn’t deny it.
    “Remember, we’re not just here to indulge ourselves. This is for a good cause. We’re going to raise a lot of money tonight, to help a lot of people.” Laura smiled and then polished off the last bite of chocolate cake. “On to the lemon pie. I’ll be right back.”
    When Laura returned with the lemon pie, the band had started to play at a livelier tempo. They’d been playing softer slower songs during the cocktail hour. Now with the up-tempo, India watched as several couples ventured onto the dance floor. The song was one of her favorites and she found herself tapping her toe to the music. She glanced at Richard, wondering if he liked to dance, but he was engaged in conversation with Ray Brannigan.
    “Shall we?” She immediately recognized the seductive voice this time and she was tempted. She glanced Richard’s way again. She really wanted to dance, but wasn’t sure if it was all right if she danced with Smith. Richard caught her glance and saw Smith at her side, gesturing toward the dance floor. His eyes darkened for a moment, but then he nodded and gave a small smile and she followed Smith onto the dance floor. To his credit, he was an excellent dancer and twirled her around the with ease. They danced for two lively songs before the tempo slowed and couples drew closer together and began to sway to the music. Smith drew her in uncomfortably close and she was about to pull apart when she heard Richard’s voice. “I’ll take over from here.”
    “Of course. Thanks for the dances, India.” Smith walked away as Richard took his place and pulled India in close. But she didn’t mind being so close to him. She loved it, actually. They were so close that she could feel the slight stubble on his jaw as her cheek brushed against him. He had one hand on her waist and the other lightly across her back. One of his fingers tapped against her back, keeping time to the music and the touch sent shivers up her spine. This was the first time she’d felt her husband’s touch, except for the brief kiss they’d shared when they got married. She leaned into him and sighed, enjoying the warmth of his body against hers. When the song ended, the band played another slow song and they stayed on the dance floor, swaying to the music, lost in their own world, until it ended. The band decided to take a break and they reluctantly left the dance floor. Richard had an expression that India couldn’t read. He seemed lost in his thoughts.
    “Would you like another drink?” he asked when they reached their table and he saw that her glass was almost empty.
    “Are you going to have one?” she asked. He was drinking whisky and his glass was nearly empty as well.
    “I thought I might have one more,” he said.
    “Then I think that I will, too.”
    He went off to get their drinks and India decided to visit the ladies’ room. While she was in one of the powder rooms, she heard two other women come in and recognized one of the voices as Olivia’s.
    It sounded like they were in the front area, fixing their hair possibly. Something made India stay put, though, when Olivia started speaking in a softer voice and she thought that she heard her name,

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