
Ascension by Sophia Sharp

Book: Ascension by Sophia Sharp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophia Sharp
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Laura asked.
    This torrial allows the user to pull anybody into the dream realm.  Anybody, in any state, from anywhere in the world.  It grants immense power, for in the dream realm, as you well know, you control your reality.  This torrial takes away that control from whoever is pulled in. 
    Laura’s eyes widened with understanding.  “That means we can pull the elders in, and destroy them here!”
    “Yes,” Madison answered.  “That is what I suspected we would do as well.  But it will not be so easy.”
    Someone has to operate the torrial , Gabrielle said.  And it can only pull in one person at a time .
    “The elders stay apart from one another,” Alexander mused, “but they would know immediately if one of their comrades has fallen.  If they even start to suspect that they face a threat from a torrial like this one, they will ward their minds.”
    “There are eight of them,” Logan put in.  Laura turned to him.  “We cannot just do it one-by-one.  We might bring them here, yes, but they still remain powerful.  And cunning.  After the first falls, the others will be prepared.  No, this will not do.  One of our advantages is the element of surprise, one of our only advantages, but we throw it to the wind if we proceed this way.”
    There is… another way .
    Laura spun to face Gabrielle again.  “What is it?”
    A slightly modified use of the torrial .  Instead of pulling the elders into the dream realm, we can use it to propel ourselves into their dreams.
    “Isn’t that more dangerous?” Laura asked.  “If we’re in their dreams, they hold all control.  Right?”
    Not if the torrial is being used.  This way, it can negate the extra control the elders would have over their dreams.  It puts us on even ground with them .
    “But what’s the advantage of doing it that way?” Laura asked.
    You can all go at once.
    Laura blinked.  If they all went at once, it meant they could strike at the elders simultaneously.  “How many do you need to control the torrial ?”
    Me and one other.  A female angel drifted toward Gabrielle and stood beside him.  Yes.  She will do.  The remainder will go with you to fight.
    Laura did a quick count in her head.  “So then there are eight elders, and eight of us.  Is the idea for each one of us to attack an elder separately?  By ourselves?”
    That is correct.   
    Laura frowned.  She looked at Logan.  “Are we strong enough to do that?”  She could feel the time starting to tick away.  Back in the human world, her body was slowly being killed by the venom from the cut.  The fight against the elders would have to be now or never.
    Logan considered for a moment.  “A unified attack on all of them at once?  It sounds preposterous, but it may work.  If Gabrielle is right, and the torrial negates the advantage the elders have in their dreams, then the only thing that will determine the victor is sheer strength and will.”
    “The elders are strong,” Madison said, “but they have not faced a direct threat in a long time.  They may have grown complacent.  If we surprise them at once, we may have a chance yet to overtake them.  It will take a tremendous amount of luck, but…”
    “But we need to do it,” Laura confirmed.  “Right.  Gabrielle, that is how we’re going to proceed.”
    Excellent.  We need time to prepare.
    The preparations for the fight took less than an hour.  All the torrial in the room had to be taken away, except for the sphere.  Gabrielle said that having too many torrial in close vicinity could cause the main one to malfunction, and that was not a risk they were willing to take.  So, they all carried the torrial as far as they could in the building, down to the lowest level.  All the while, Laura couldn’t stop thinking about how close they were to the end.
    Once Gabrielle and the other angel activated the torrial , they would all go to face the battle of their lives.  And they would each be

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