Ascendant's Rite (The Moontide Quartet)

Ascendant's Rite (The Moontide Quartet) by David Hair

Book: Ascendant's Rite (The Moontide Quartet) by David Hair Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Hair
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fraud, impersonating a Treasury official or issuing false Imperial debt papers. It was bizarre, especially when put up against what Siburnius and his cronies were doing. I’d have suspected Sensini of a lot of things, but this? Slow anger kindled in his gut, the same anger he’d felt two weeks ago when he drove Siburnius from the refugee camp. Rukk you. Sensini might be a damned nuisance, but he’s one of us.
    He threw a cold look at the Inquisitor, standing there all relaxed and confident. ‘Sensini has been with the legions since the Moontide began. Are you sure he’s the right man?’
    Milius looked at him gravely. ‘The evidence is clear. Battle-mage Sensini has misused Imperial documentation in his role as Logisticalus of the Thirteenth Pallacios to create illegal promissory notes.’
    ‘So what if he has?’ Seth replied. ‘His tactical skills have saved the army several times, and he has unearthed an Inquisition plot that violates the laws of Kore. I refuse to put that aside for a few piffling promissory notes.’
    Milius cocked an eyebrow, then quite deliberately dropped his voice. The air suddenly crackled around them as he shielded their words from being overheard, even by Siburnius, just a few feet away. ‘Seth – may I call you that? I think you fail to understand the extent of the issue. Ramon Sensini and his criminal confederates have fooled a group of investors into pouring money into the Crusade in unprecedented levels, in return for monopoly control of opium out of South Dhassa. Opium , Seth: a killer of families, the ruination of lives. The level of investment has contributed to severe inflation in Yuros, pushing basic commodities beyond the price of most men. People are starving in Yuros, Seth! Bread is now seventeen foli in Bricia! Seventeen!’ His face was aghast, as if he were revealing signs of Kore’s Purge and the Day of Returning, not the price of a loaf.
    Seth had understood about one word in three. ‘There is no opium in our column. Never has been.’ He turned his thoughts away from the rumour that Ramon had saved them all at Shaliyah by dumping opium powder in the path of the enemy and setting it alight. ‘As for the promissory notes: what proof is there?’
    Hestan Milius looked like a parent forced to explain something complicated to a child. ‘It is commendable that you defend your underlings, General, but his guilt is clear. Your only responsibility in this matter is to surrender him to justice, so that we can concentrate on the more urgent matter: the safety of your army.’
    Seth searched his memory of law classes from college, which he’d always enjoyed. Yes, that’s what I need! ‘To issue a warrant of arrest, someone must have submitted proof to the issuing Justiciar.’ He looked at the papers again. ‘That’s you. I’d like to see that proof. Otherwise I must suspect that Commandant Siburnius has misled you to protect himself.’
    ‘The integrity of a servant of the Inquisition isn’t for even a general to question,’ Milius said heavily. ‘Your youth excuses you in part, Seth, but you must learn to trust the institutions you serve.’ Any pretence of friendliness was gone. Seth could feel Prenton twitching nervously; he might not be able to hear, but the anger on the Arch-Legate’s face was easy to read.
    ‘I want to see proof,’ he repeated firmly. ‘For my own peace of mind.’ He wondered if he might have to fight his way out. I’d get about two feet.
    Milius sighed, reached into a pocket and produced another piece of paper. ‘Here, General .’
    It was an Imperial Promissory of the sort that Seth had seen floating about the legion, especially in the early months, usually in lieu of cash when settling gambling debts. They were mostly used by the logisticalus of each legion to facilitate transfer of supplies. He focused on the signature: illegible, but familiar. ‘It’s not Sensini’s signature.’ But it’s his handwriting, I’ll give you that .

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