As High as the Heavens
poorly of Heather. Ye may not
bear a good opinion of me or my intentions toward yer
daughter, but ye should have more faith in her. Heather
isn't some ill-bred strumpet. Her morals are of the highest caliber."
    "So yell abstain from seducing her then, will ye, and
solely because ye've the greatest respect for her high
    Nay, Duncan thought with a sudden, painfully intense
insight. I'll want her all the more because I respect her.
Because she's a woman worth risking everything for, and
a prize beyond compare. Not that ye're capable of un derstanding that, leastwise not in yer current state. And
perhaps, just perhaps, never.

    "If it's any comfort to ye, my lord," Duncan said instead, "yer daughter despises me. She'd never stoop so
low as to couple wi' one such as me. Ye've naught to be
concerned about."
    "I want yer word on it nonetheless, Mackenzie. I want
yer word ye'll not touch my daughter."
    "I'll not force myself on her, if that's what ye're implying," Duncan muttered, shooting him a furious, seething
look. "As hard as it may be for ye to believe, we Highlanders have our honor."
    "Then ye'll give me yer word ye'll keep yer filthy paws
off her, will ye?"
    "Aye, but not because ye offer me money. I wouldn't
ravish yer daughter any more than I would any other lass,
be she noble or common." He dragged in an unsteady
breath. "Now, ye're more than welcome to stand out here
in the cold until ye freeze, but I'm going inside."
    "And did I give ye leave, ye cocky young upstart?"
Robert Gordon yelled after him as Duncan strode out
for the cottage. "Ye overstep yerself yet again, ye do, to
walk away from one of yer betters."
    "Aye, mayhap I do," Duncan gritted under his breath,
never once breaking stride as he battled a savage swell
of disgust and rage. "If I truly were walking away from
one of my betters."

    Duncan's bedchamber was not only spacious but also
surprisingly well appointed for a man of such obviously rustic upbringing, Heather decided. Though his bed was
a simple boarded affair, consisting of a shallow wooden
box standing on four short legs, at least the straw mattress was supported by the newer rope mesh rather than
the old-fashioned, less flexible boards. It was also quite
well made and roomy enough for both her and Beth to
sleep in comfort.

    A down comforter encased in a coverlet of fine, dark
blue woolen broadcloth and two plump down pillows
graced the bed. Beside the bed sat one of two large,
carved wooden storage kists. The other large chest stood
beneath one of the room's two oiled paper-covered windows. The second window shed its wintry sunlight onto
the worktable at the room's far end. Two large, framed
maps-one of Scotland, the other of the world-adorned
the walls, and a high-backed, comfortable-looking
wooden chair sat at an angle to the kist before the window. Dried rushes covered the packed dirt floor.
    Though the bedchamber lacked the additional amenities Heather was used to back at Dunscroft Castle,
it was apparent the Mackenzies were indeed relatively
prosperous. She guessed Duncan's bedchamber was the
least well-appointed room in the house, recalling the
hardwood floors covered by a few simple, handwoven
rugs, the large dining table and set of four high-backed
wooden chairs, the tall cupboard filled with pewter ware,
and several large kists she had seen in the main room
when she had first entered.
    It wouldn't be so unpleasant residing here for the rest
of the winter after all, Heather admitted belatedly, her cheeks warming with shame at her earlier disparaging
remarks to Duncan.

    "Shall I unpack yer things"-Beth chose at that moment to interrupt Heather's rueful musings-"or would ye
prefer I fetch a basin of water for ye to wash up a bit?"
    "Aye, fetch me some water, if ye will, Beth." Heather
turned slowly, surveying the room once more. "Before we
can put aught of our things away, we must first impose on
the Mackenzies' generosity in using

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