Arrogant Prick: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance

Arrogant Prick: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance by Tessa Thorne

Book: Arrogant Prick: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance by Tessa Thorne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tessa Thorne
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demanding that I put the phone on speaker. “You don’t call me for a week, and then you just demand to see me?” As much as I want to talk to him, I can't help giving him a little shit over everything.
    “Some things are better said in person.” His voice sounds tense.
    “It’s going to be hard to get out of the house right now, Gio.” Sarah is shaking her head, disappointed in the direction this conversation is going.
    “Then I’ll come to you.”
    “I don’t think you understand.” I lower my voice to a whisper. “I can’t have a guy over to my house. My dad will flip.” I’m actually worried he’d do much worse given what’s happened recently.
    “He doesn’t have to know.” I hear the sound of a loud engine in the background. Sounds like he’s driving. “I’m about twenty minutes away. Just leave your window open so the alarm doesn’t trip.”
    Shit, he’s already on the way. My heart starts thumping in my chest in anticipation. My body’s betraying me, eager for him to drop in on my bedroom, but my brain is screaming that this is a terrible idea.
    “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I say. Sarah’s clearly heard what he’s said about coming over, and she’s doing her embarrassing happy jig. She’s got no rhythm. “My house has manned security, alarms and cameras. There’s no way you’ll get in here without being caught.”
    “I’ll see you in twenty.” The phone goes dead.
    “Fuck, yeah!” Sarah pumps her fist into the air. “Can I stay and watch from the closet? This is going to be like one of those 80s romance movies!”
    “Oh my God, you big weirdo!” I rush out of the closet and start cleaning up my room. “No. You have to get out of here before he comes.”
    “Aw…” She clasps her hands together and pouts. “Please! I just want to see him…and to verify that his dick is as big as you said it was.”
    “You’ll just have to take my word for it.” I pick up her purse and shove it into her arms. “Besides, you don’t want to be here when this whole thing goes south. There’s no way he can sneak into this house without getting caught.” Despite my misgivings, I really hope he can prove otherwise. He did say he was a commando, or something like that.
    “Okay, fine.” She pulls me into a hug. “But you’re going to have to give me all the details.”
    I squeeze her back. “You know I will.”
    “I’m so proud of you.” She smiles and squeezes my cheek. “My baby girl is all grown up.”
    “Okay, you really have to go now.” I laugh. “On your way out, just tell Marco I’m not feeling well and I’m going to bed early, okay?”
    “Will do. As long as you do all the things I wouldn’t do!” She waves goodbye and blows me a kiss. “ Ciao .”
    I close the door behind her, wishing the damn thing had a lock. I sit down on my chest, listening to the blood pounding in my ear. With Sarah gone, the whole situation crashes down on me. What the hell am I doing, telling him it’s okay for him to come here?
    He didn’t even ask, he just said he’s coming. I should have told him no. What, am I supposed to just hope that Marco doesn’t decide to come upstairs to randomly check on me? At least I don’t have to worry about my mom walking in on me.
    I check the time on my phone, which I'm still clutching tightly. He should be here in fifteen minutes. Just enough time to find something better to wear. I unlock my windows, pressing the small buttons on the side of the frame so the alarms don’t trip. I wonder how he knew about those, but I don’t think on it much as I rush into my closet looking for something to wear. I should have asked Sarah to stay long enough to help me pick out an outfit. I’m the more business-minded of us, but she really knows her clothes.
    I end up settling on a light summer dress and a pair of silver ballet slippers. I’m feeling a little self-conscious about my toes, and I don’t have enough time to reapply nail polish.

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