Arranged by the Stars
    This time Latha whipped
around and gave him a jaundiced look that reminded him of the
really-Kieran looks he got from Ash. “What?”
    “ Men are such
idiots sometimes.” Latha sat next to him and stirred the sugar into
her coffee.
    “ Says the
qualified doctor who thought it would be a good idea to get mixed
up with drug dealers.” If someone wrote a manual, which was a
step-by-step guide to figuring out woman, they’d become a
billionaire in their own right.
    Latha lifted her chin and
for the first time he saw her pain. “The day Johnny died, I lost
the man I loved and my best friend. One maybe I could handle, but
    Kieran shifted
uncomfortably in his chair. He was so wrong to flee because he
couldn’t handle the stress and he owed her an apology for that. “I
shouldn’t have left you. I’m sorry.”
    Latha placed her hand
over his. “We were young and hurting. We did stupid things. We’re
not young or stupid anymore though.”
    Kieran met her gaze and
his throat closed. He knew the conversation had changed and she
wasn’t talking about them anymore, but she didn’t understand
anything. How could she? She hadn’t been here for the last few
weeks. She didn’t know what his life was like. “Some things can’t
be changed.”
    She sighed and took her
hand away. “Can they not, Kieran?”
    Ash hadn’t seen him in
days, but she could swear that she dreamed about him every night.
He’d be in her room. She knew it like she knew she was able to walk
down a walkway without tripping on high-heeled shoes. Knew it like
her heart was able to pump blood through her veins. It had to be
because each night, she’d wake and there would be the faint scent
of pine needles in the air. She knew it wasn’t the ghost of her
dream. Kieran was always near.
    At least she
    She had to keep hope
because her aunt was now on a mission. As soon as she was
recovered, she was to be married. In three months to be exact.
Sushi had gone to see the priest and they were looking at the next
auspicious date. The day when the moon and stars align and Alok and
she could be together forever. It was out of her hands now. It was
up to the stars.
    The large full moon
reminded her of the white plate her aunt chose for their wedding
reception. It left a dark shadow in the room that otherwise had a
perfect view of the moon and stars that were deciding her
    A tentative
knock on the door brought hope. Maybe Kieran finally understood and
came to visit. When she turned to see Julie Kanna, she blew a deep
breath. She straightened her spine. If
only she’d give me a chance, I’m sure I can be as good as
Latha . With a lot of effort and pain she
sat up straighter, and tried to smile. “Mrs Kanna, come in
    Julie Kanna cautiously
entered and then her gaze roamed the room. “Are they giving you
something for the pain?”
    Ash tucked her hair
behind her ear. Did she really look that bad? “Yes, but it still
hurts. They also tell me the bruising is from them trying to keep
me alive before they got me to hospital and it will fade. So it
must look worse than it is.”
    Julie nodded and bowed
her head. “I’m sorry for all the distress our family has caused
you. Kieran has explained everything to us. You were very kind to
agree to do what you did for my husband. I behaved badly. I am
    Ash shook her head.
“Please Mrs Kanna, don’t apologise. Kieran’s father reminds me of
my own father. I am glad he had the operation and I hope everything
works out.”
    Julie turned to leave but
then stopped. “I was wrong about you. My son saw the good in you. I
think he cares for you. I know you are already spoken for and I am
sorry about that. I haven’t seen that sparkle in my son’s eyes in a
long―” She took her pallu and wiped her tears. “Actually, I’ve
never seen a sparkle in my son’s eyes. He was always reserved. I am
not sure he ever fell in love.”
    Ash sat up straighter

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