Argosy Junction

Argosy Junction by Chautona Havig Page A

Book: Argosy Junction by Chautona Havig Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chautona Havig
Tags: Fiction, General, Christian
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for a manager’s position if I want it.
    So why do I feel restless? Why can’t I be content? I was talking about that with my dad, and I told him that I think it’s because I saw another side of life in Montana that I’ve only ever seen in books. I am comfortable with my current life, but I don’t know if I’m satisfied with it anymore.
    Have you ever thought like this? At your age, I was still high from being out of high school and felt rich beyond my wildest dreams for making ten bucks an hour! Life here makes it so easy to get into a rat rut. I know they call it the rat race, but I think that’s for corporate people. The regular Joes like me just get into a rut. Get up, go to work, come home, eat, play some video games, go to bed. Repeat 5 days a week, hang with the guys on the weekend, and start it all over again on Monday.
    Most of the guys my age around here are married. Some have kids. I can’t imagine how I’d ever afford that. How can they afford an apartment, utilities, day care, and formula? I’d love to have a family, but will I ever feel ready for one?
    Everything seemed so much simpler in Montana—so much cleaner; not just really cleaner like the air and the streets, but cut and dried cleaner. I’m not making sense.
    So, I’ll just go back to my original statement. I miss your laughter, your family, and your little sister, but most of all I miss you.
    Alone while surrounded by two million people,
    The letter fell to her lap. She didn’t understand everything he’d said. Oh, she understood the words and their context, but she actually didn’t have the right frame of reference to be able to comprehend how a man couldn’t know the direction of his life. The men in her life knew what they wanted and made a way to get it. Whether revamping the sheep operation by her father, her brother, Kyle’s, search for a wife in Southern California, Tad’s plans for raising border collies and horses, and even the little boys had ideas about how and where they wanted to expand the ranch.
    She pulled out her phone and punched her father’s quick dial number. “Dad, know that convention at the end of the month?” She grinned at her father’s response. “Oh thank you! Patience too?” Sliding her phone shut she grabbed the pad of paper and pen next to her and started writing.
    To: [email protected]
    From: [email protected]
    Subject: Movies
    Dear Matt,
    Guess what! I’m coming to Rockland to go to the movies with you! Daddy has a convention in Rockland, and he said that Lane and me can drive ahead of him, and he’ll ride back with us!
    I am so excited! We’re going to go to the movies and see the big skyscrapers. We’re going to eat at those outdoor places you told us about and see the gray place where you work. I can’t wait. We’re leaving in three days! We get to go through Helena and see the capital, and we’re going to Minneapolis and then down to Rockland from there. Lane says it will take four days because we’re not going to drive all day and just stop to sleep.
    I have to go pack. She said we need more than just jeans and jumpers for Rockland so there isn’t much to pack. We’ll buy new clothes when we get there.
    I have to go.
    Bye until we get there,
    Matt exhaled suddenly and realized he’d been holding his breath. They were coming to his territory! Stifling the temptation to check for an email from Lane or Tad, he replied to her email and suggested all the fun things they could do from the zoo and aquarium, to a trip into little India.
    Finally, he finished and opened Lane’s latest email. Her email was full of information about hotel rooms, an itinerary, and a list of things about which she wanted his advice. Her final sentence made him smile. “I don’t expect to do even a fraction of these things. I just want your opinion of what we should do to fill the day while you’re working and what you’d enjoy and have time for

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