Ares' Temptation
have been murmurings you will not return. Our father has temporarily appointed me in charge of the army under Athena’s council. Although it is a great promotion, my powers lie in prediction and healing, not warfare.”
    Ares ran his hands through his hair. “Hades’ Underworld! I leave for a few days, and everything crumbles around me.”
    Apollo glanced at the ocean roaring at their back with suspicion. “That is not all. Poseidon’s waters have been turbulent as of late. Sailors have spotted large shadows in the deep. I believe he plans another attack. I fear, without your leadership…”
    Ares placed a hand on his shoulder. “You must remain strong and lead the army in my stead. I will break this curse and return home.”
    “What if you fail?”
    “I have never failed.” Reality hit Ares like a sword in the gut. He could not fail, even if it meant breaking Kaye’s heart. Too much depended on him. “I will do whatever it takes.”
    Apollo nodded as if satisfied. His body became transparent. “Use your time wisely.” A second later, he disappeared.
    Ares fell to his knees as the waves lapped around him. Never had he felt more helpless or vulnerable. His kingdom lay threatened, and his arrogant, inexperienced brother was in charge of the army—his army. He could not let Poseidon take advantage of this curse. He knew what he had to do. Kaye’s heart was already in the palm of his hands.
    Could he bring himself to break it?
    “Hey, you okay?”
    Ares glanced up. Kaye had walked over from her place on the beach. She’d wrapped the towel around her waist, leaving the soft skin above her navel bare. He wanted to tell her everything, but his sense of duty held him back. “I am fine.”
    “You don’t look fine.” Kaye sat next to him. “Let me guess, he doesn’t like me.”
    Ares laughed despite the dire turn of events. “That’s not the problem.”
    “But, he doesn’t like me, right?”
    She looked so vulnerable, he wanted to scoop her up in his arms. “Apollo doesn’t know you. But that is not his reason for visiting.”
    She tossed a rock in the water. The wave covered it, then receded, leaving the rock exactly where it had fallen. “So what’s the bad news, then?”
    “My people need me.”
    “That’s what I thought.” Kaye played with a string from the towel. “You certainly shouldn’t stay because of me. You’ve already done so much. My family finally thinks I’m capable, and I showed my bratty brother I could do something right.”
    “They should see you for who you are.” He reached out and touched a strand of her hair, wishing he could pull her against him on the beach. “A beautiful, intelligent, and passionate woman. You don’t need me to prove that.”
    She rolled her eyes. “If only that were the case.”
    If only she had more confidence in herself and cared less about what her family thought. Her insecurities made it that much harder to take away his powers and break her heart.
    Kaye waved him off. “You’ve done your job and fulfilled your debt. I can tell my family you had to leave for business. If your people need you, go back to them.”
    He had not expected such selflessness. He shouldn’t have told her about his brother’s request. Now, she expected him to leave when he could go nowhere. “You are so quick to get rid of me.”
    She laughed and brought her hand to her heart, grazing the breasts surging underneath her tight swimsuit “Believe me, I’d like nothing more than for you to stay. But, I refuse to get you in trouble or hold you back for something as silly as this reunion.”
    “The reunion is not the reason why I’m here.” He wished he could separate the true reason from his developing feelings. His motives for being there had blurred into an amalgam of desire, duty, and desperation. He certainly would not have gone with her if not for the curse, but now, even if there were no threat to the throne nor any curse, he would have stayed. For

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