origin of each packet of information traveling around the network”.
“If that is true, how could you bypass this security?”
“Captain, I don't. I simply write packets that match the security levels I need. This system is only as secure as the programming methods used by the router systems that generate the traffic. It would be trivial for Steven to devise an algorithm to generate custom packets that match the identity signature. For me, it is trivial to a degree I am not sure I can calculate.”
I considered for a moment what I was about to do.
“Janis, in my authority as Captain of the Archaea, I hereby authorize you to connect to any network, and to bypass any security system. You may do so at any time, completely at your discretion. If you are unable to do so without risk of detection, you must bring the matter up to me, or Pauli. Under no circumstances should you do anything that would jeopardize the safety or security of this ship or crew.”
I knew enough about logicspace to realize Janis may reference the words that I am saying as logic to form future 'rule-sets', to help guide her behavior when she meets conditions that haven't been previously defined. I realized as my eyes started crossing at her network lecture, that she knew more about the technical aspects of this sort of thing than I could ever know. This is the sort of person I want on my crew. Smart, quick, and able. I wanted someone like Pauli on my crew for this very reason, in some cases, an elegant hack, whether it is our network or the network of an enemy, can be a powerful tool, or a powerful weapon.
“Janis, are you able to identify where Yak and Shorty are?” Not that they'd been gone that long, mainly I wanted to know how long we had before we had to fight our way off this station.
“Captain, I was able to find recent movements for both of them on monitor buffers, but do not have them on visual observation at this time. I am afraid the best answer I can provide is not accurate. I performed an analysis of environmental units throughout the station, and identified a signature pattern from the amount of residual heat that was scavenged from the area they last passed through visual observation nodes. Cross-referencing that pattern throughout the system, I am currently tracking a similar transfer of energy affecting environmental systems in-hub between ring 13 and 14. My apologies Captain.”
“Janis, that... is amazing.” I was definitely falling in love.
Pauli and I were working with Janis through controller interfaces on the tokamak pumps when the lock alert showed orange on my holo. A quick glance at the monitor showed me the top of Shorty's head, and the bottom of Yak's chin. Our brave adventurers, home at last.
We headed out of engineering and across the hold to the forward companionway, to the upper lock. Dak was there waiting as the lock cycled through its various failsafes, and opened to let Shorty and Yak climb down.
“Well how nice of you to drop in”, said our captain, never missing an opportunity to pun the living hell out of everyone in earshot.
“Thanks Captain”, said Yak. “It was pretty uneventful – I collected payment for my delivery, Jane had some noodles, and then I got to learn the fine art of the haggle, at the expense of a poor reac merchant.” He smiled, handing me a sealed reac casket.
“That's ten kilos of grade 1, Gene”, added Shorty. “Don't spill any of it, not a drop!” she fixed me with a steely 12-and-a-half yard stare. I patted her on the head and told her she was a good kid.
“Was it expensive Shorty?” asked the captain. I knew as well as he did, hell as well as Shorty did, we didn't have any money left. “I wasn't sure if we could afford that grade.”
“Not too bad Captain, I managed to get grade 4 pricing, but I couldn't cut any deeper, the merchie was bleeding out on the floor when we left. Yak wouldn't stand for it and practically carried me out the door. I
Michael Bishop
Nancy McGovern
Ruth D. Kerce
Greg Bear, Gardner Dozois
Tade Thompson
Violetta Rand
Aria Hawthorne
William W. Johnstone
Homer Hickam
Susan Fanetti