Apt [Running to Love 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Apt [Running to Love 6] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Allyson Young

Book: Apt [Running to Love 6] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Allyson Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allyson Young
Tags: Romance
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protocol. She was surveying the contents and about to choose one of his shirts when Momma screamed and a dog yelped. There was a crash, and Jerry the crow appeared like a black avenging angel in her peripheral vision. Fiona wheeled around and dashed into the living room just as Dave and Jackie squeezed in through the doorway, jockeying for space. Dave let her precede him, but Fiona wasn’t certain if it was because he was being a gentleman or if he didn’t want to be the first one on the scene. Perhaps he remembered the “incidents” she’d involved him in on the farm with some of her other rescues.
    Beau was cowering in the far corner, having miraculously squeezed himself behind an end table, and Momma crouched on the tabletop, twice as big as life, tail switching, making low moaning noises of retribution. Jerry had landed on the adjoining floor lamp, presumably as a rear guard, and even as she watched christened the lampshade with a crow-sized lump of whitewash. Dave groaned, and Jackie burst into laughter before coming to embrace Fiona. It felt strange being hugged by another woman while stark naked, but Jackie didn’t seem to be bothered by it. So she hugged her back.
    “Welcome to the family, Fiona! ’Stair told me this morning, not when he came home so late last night, I guess early this morning, because he had other things on his mind. I tell you I was some upset with him for not telling me earlier, and I came right over to meet you again, properly this time! So my brother finally got his shit together!”
    “Where is Alistair?” Dave’s voice was both annoyed and resigned, and Fiona knew he was thinking about best-laid plans.
    “Here, Fiona. I know I told you I wanted you naked in my quarters, but that was before little sister here barged in, and ‘Stair won’t be far behind.” He came to her and helped her into a heavy silk robe that reminded her of something royalty would wear. It was so not Dave, and she wondered who had bought it for him. A little pinprick of jealousy made her set her teeth.
    “He’ll be along, I expect,” Jackie said airily, although Fiona picked up on a hint of trepidation. “He was showering when I left. That color is so much better on you, Fiona. Dave is such a pain to shop for.”
    The jealousy vanished like magic, but she was going to take care of Dave from now on.
    “Did you take his truck?” Dave sounded incredulous.
    “Of course not. I drove the car. Ash was still sleeping. It was a late night.” This time Jackie sounded smug, and Fiona hid a smile at Dave’s flush.
    She rolled up the sleeves of the robe and tied the sash tightly over folds of fabric that hauled the hem up around her ankles so it wouldn’t drag on the floor. Momma protested when she picked her up off the table but then relaxed into her. Probably relieved not to have to keep intimidating the pit bull. She set her down into the box with her kittens and then went for Jerry. But having rediscovered his ability to fly, Jerry easily eluded her. He swooped for the door and the open vistas beyond. Dave moved with amazing speed and grace for such a big man. Jerry squawked once before he huddled in the clutch of Dave’s hands. He bore the bird down the hall, and Fiona’s eyes filled with tears. She wanted to say good-bye. Jackie grabbed her hand and held it, and Beau crept out and came over to nudge her thigh, so she rubbed his ears for him.
    Thudding footsteps sounded, and Dave returned. He strode over to her, lips set in a thin line, and held Jerry out to her. He knew her so well, knew how upset she would be had she not been given the opportunity to say good-bye to the crow. Fiona pulled her hand away from Beau and ran a finger over the bird’s head. He gave her a beady-eyed look and clacked his fearsome beak. Dave gave her a similar look and once again carried the bird away.
    “You’ve got a soft heart, too,” Jackie observed. “We are going to have so much fun, honey.”
    “You’ll have to hold

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