Apocalyptic Shorts

Apocalyptic Shorts by Victor Darksaber

Book: Apocalyptic Shorts by Victor Darksaber Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victor Darksaber
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Silas Cage
    I AM A STRANGER, I'M LOST, but I will find my way back home.
Three years four months one week five days ago, I found myself on this planet, Earth. I was a soldier, the hell I still am. But for the past three and half years, all I have been is human, hiding in shadow, watching and waiting for that time when my opportunity will come to get off this planet and find my way back to my homeworld.
    My name is Cyders Kaige, I am from planet Arbitrus, a world billions light-years away from this star system. Arbitrus, one of the hundred and sixteen worlds orbiting a super-giant star we called Sabenak, meaning ‘The mother of worlds’. On Arbitrus, I was a soldier, one of the best there is, and I had a woman that I loved so much, her name was Hanther, Hanther Sunhide. I was a warrior soldier, a legend. My unique skills made me an object of destruction for the powers that govern the planet, we call them The Governors––although The Governors are not the direct leaders of Arbitrus, they represent The Elders, a group of mysterious powerful beings we know absolutely nothing about.
    The Governors would assign me to secret missions no one else could do. Some of these missions made me question their judgments as our leaders, but only in my head. Even though I knew they had become corrupt, and they're using me to clean up their messes, I continued to work for them. Not for the money, even though the money was good, nor was it for the position, but for the fun, the rush, the feeling; it was paradise.
    To all arbitrons, I’m a hero, a legend. Soldiers want to be me. But who I am to myself, is a beast, an animal, someone who has lost the will to be good because he found comfort in evil. I knew there will be a day when I'll give it all up, all of the secrets, the fame, the fun, for an ordinary life, one in which I will have a wife and children. It is what it always comes to for everyone no matter who you are, and I never thought mine would be different.
    When arbitrons complete their years of civic duty, especially those exposed to classified information during their years in service, they go through a process called ‘redemption’, where they have their brains wiped of all the classified information, and their experiences left intact. The same was supposed to be my fate. But for reasons I don't know, they decided I needed to die, so they assigned to me a mission, which unknowingly to me, was meant to be my last. The mission was to find and terminate a rogue arbitron selling Arbitrus’s classified information on Venus. I was about to enter Venus’s orbit when I got hit by an asteroid storm my scanners didn’t see coming. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the ship lost all its power. As I ran about, trying everything I could to restore the ship’s power, I found a tube full of vetagems––the most precious gem in the universe, hidden in the wall of my ship, and then I realized that part of the mission objective was for me to die.
    I tried everything I could to restore the ships's power, but there wasn't enough time. I was hit by a ship-killer sized rock that was meant to conclude everything. I went black and thought I was dead, but I woke up, and when I did, it was here on Earth.
    I was badly injured, and my bio-suit severely damaged. The bio-suit is capable of repairing its wearer, no matter how severe the damage may be, unless the wearer is dead. But the suit was damaged too, and it had to repair itself before it can fix me, and seeing how damaged it was, its repair would take two days to complete and I wouldn’t last that long. I thought I was going to die. I wondered how I survived the impacts, but I was glad I did. My ship was destroyed beyond repair, and there was no means of sending a distress signal home, and no means of getting off this world. I searched for the tube, but it was gone and there were footprints which indicated that someone on this planet came for the tube. I thought about Hanther, and I realized

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