
Anyush by Martine Madden

Book: Anyush by Martine Madden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Martine Madden
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current,and his only hope was letting the force of the waves carry him in. She had managed this herself once before, but it had been a high tide and there was less chance of hitting the higher rocks. It was a risk, but he had no other option. Taking a deep breath, she let herself drift into the current. The pull sucked her along by the rock face and she swam parallel to it so that she could get herself into the best position facing the spit.
    ‘Watch the waves!’ she shouted. ‘Wait for a big one!’
    Out to sea a huge roller came thundering towards the bay and then broke on the reef into a smaller swell. It moved at speed towards her. Drawing up her knees, she took a deep breath and turned her back to it. Lifted suddenly aloft, she had a brief and terrifying view over the entire cove before falling towards the spar of barnacled granite. Pushing down on her heels, she landed forcefully but intact as the water rushed back between her ankles. Grabbing a finger-hold in the rock, she managed to cling on at the outward pull and crawl onto the higher rocks before the next wave broke over her. At her back she saw Jahan turn towards the incoming waves. One smaller than the other drifted inwards until, finally, another huge roller gathered in the bay. He was in a bad position from the start and then misjudged the timing so that he was pulled back into the water only to be thrown up again. Anyush’s heart beat like a bird’s as she realised the rocks would cut him to ribbons. Tiring and swallowing water, he struck out again for the spot she had launched from. In position just as another big wave hit, he turned his back to it and was carried onto the rock. This time he clung on when the water washed out, gripping hard with both hands. Coming as close as she dared, Anyush reached out and pulled him onto the dry rocks beside her.
    They collapsed onto the pebbles, both trying to catch their breath.
    ‘That was very brave,’ he said.
    Anyush couldn’t speak. She should have been angry that he had ignored her warning and put their lives in danger, but all she feltwas relief. ‘You’re bleeding,’ she said. ‘And your trousers are torn.’
    He looked down and saw that one side of his chest was grazed, and watery blood trickled through his ripped trousers along his right shin. ‘I look like I’ve been in the wars.’
    She tried to smile, but her teeth chattered and her lips were stiff with cold.
    ‘Here …’ He fetched his tunic and placed it around her shoulders. She was suddenly conscious that she had nothing on but a chemise. Despite the cold, blood rushed to her face. Gently he teased away the wet hair from her cheek. She was trembling, and cold had nothing to do with it. Heavy with seawater, her plait dripped onto her shoulder, and he moved it away, resting his hand on her collarbone. Her breath quickened as he traced the drop of saltwater to the low neckline of her chemise and she closed her eyes. In some part of her she knew she should run, get away as fast as she could, but her feet wouldn’t move and her legs wouldn’t carry her. His hand lingered at her breast, pushing against the nipple behind the wet fabric. She wasn’t thinking any more, only that she didn’t want him to stop.
    ‘Anyush,’ he whispered, tilting her face to his, ‘look at me.’
    She looked at him. Hope, reason and any good sense she might once have had deserted her.
    ‘Anyush … you need never be afraid of me.’
    Turning abruptly, he walked to where his shirt and boots lay discarded on the stones. ‘You should get dressed,’ he said. ‘I have to get back.’

    J ahan sat against the wall of the ruin, just inside the doorway. Below him the line of white sand swept a majestic curve around the headland, past the rocky promontory, and merged in the far distance into the grey sea. The beach was deserted. She wasn’t coming.
    Since the day in the cove he had not been to the ruin. He had stopped keeping track of Anyush’s movements

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