Anything Could Happen

Anything Could Happen by B.G. Thomas

Book: Anything Could Happen by B.G. Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: B.G. Thomas
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and ran his fingers through his hair. Worshipping. Cock. God. He closed his eyes, and immediately the image of Todd’s erection sprang to his mind. So beautiful. Slim and gorgeous and pulsing with need. And his balls had been so hairy. Sexy. And when he had finally taken that erection in his mouth, had anything as erotic ever happened to him? He’d wanted to fall onto his knees in front of his friend.
    Worship. Oh God. That is what The Kid was talking about!
    But to stand in front of God knew how many people and talk about that? Admit it? Say such personal and private words?
    Plus, was there any doubt his grandparents would come to town to see him in a play? There was no frigging way he could let them see him in such a show, hear him saying such words. They accepted him. As amazing as it was to think of, they accepted him, accepted that he was gay. But to talk about worshipping cock? About letting a man pay him to drink his…?
    Then, to his surprise, he found himself reading the entire play….
    A few hours and a restless nap later, there was another knock on the door. “Should I shove your dinner under the door?” came a quiet voice.
    Austin went to the door, still confused over the cacophony of thoughts and voices going on in his head. He opened it to find his uncle standing there, holding a plate. Chicken-fried steak and mashed potatoes and gravy. It smelled wonderful. But at the same time, his stomach clenched. Could he eat?
    “Thanks, Uncle Bodie.” He took the plate, and then, feeling stupid, followed the man back to the dining room table. He sat and picked at his food.
    After a while his uncle broke the silence. “You gonna tell me what’s wrong?”
    Austin sighed. “That’s what is so dumb. I can’t even pin it down.”
    “Start anywhere. The audition didn’t go well?”
    Austin slumped. “It was a disaster, Uncle Bodie. You wouldn’t believe the script! It’s all about these men who have sex in bathrooms. Guy wanted me to play the part of this beautiful kid who men just paw all over. There is, like, simulated sex and everything. Right on stage.”
    Uncle Bodie nodded. “I guess that isn’t the kind of thing Wilda was expecting to see you in….”
    “No,” Austin said, horrified. “Grams would die!”
    They ate for a while, neither saying anything.
    “I guess I was just expecting that when Guy said the play was controversial, it was going to be more like Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolff than Men Addicted to Blowjobs in Public .”
    “And that’s all there is to it?” Uncle Bodie asked. “That’s all the play is about? Guy is an impressive young man. I wouldn’t expect him to be interested in just shocking an audience. Teaching them, maybe. Showing them a side of the world they’d never seen, even. But porn?” He shrugged. “Doesn’t seem his… what is the word? ‘Style’? It doesn’t seem his style.”
    Austin slumped a bit more in his seat and picked at his mashed potatoes. Took a bite. They were good. Not instant for sure.
    There was a knock at the door, and of course, Lucille, who had been hiding somewhere, shot for the front door—a red streak—barking all the way.
    “Lucille! Good girl,” Uncle Bodie said, rising and shuffling after her. “Good girl. Thank you. But enough. Control. A lady must always maintain a level of dignity fitting her station in life.”
    Please have it not be Guy , Austin begged the Universe. Anyone but Guy. I’ll unclog a toilet. Just don’t be Guy .
    It was Guy.
    Crap .
    “Guy. Are you hungry? We’re having chicken-fried steak, and I made plenty.”
    Austin couldn’t quite make out the reply but wasn’t surprised when he looked up and saw Guy approaching. He closed his eyes. Crap.
    “Hey, buddy.” Guy pulled out a chair, turned it around, and straddled it. “You okay? You ran out of there like your pants were on fire.”
    Oh God oh God oh God! Austin took a deep breath. “I’m okay.”
    Guy reached out and laid

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