Anything But Sweet

Anything But Sweet by Candis Terry

Book: Anything But Sweet by Candis Terry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candis Terry
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of six little boys. The group shared
     laughter and tea, and they even playfully fought over the last cookie. Charli couldn’t
     remember a time when she’d enjoyed herself so much. The women of Sweet made her feel
     right at home, and Charli completely forgot that she’d already put in an eleven-hour
     day on the job site.
    As she stood talking to a middle-aged woman named Flora about the best stain-free
     fabrics, Jana Wilder joined the conversation.
    “Thank you so much for spending some time with us tonight,” she said, clasping her
     hands together. “I know how hard you work and that you must be just exhausted.”
    Charli covered her hands with her own. “Don’t you worry about that. I’m used to it.
     Besides, I don’t know when I’ve ever been able to sleep so well. It’s so quiet out
     at your son’s place.”
    “I think that’s why I go over there so often. The boys somehow still end up in my
     kitchen arguing about who’s smarter, bigger, or badder.” She laughed. “They always
     ask if I miss them. But how can I when they won’t go away?”
    “You do miss them though.”
    Jana nodded. “I can’t tell you how awful it was when they all enlisted. Not that I
     wasn’t proud, but when you’re used to five boys ransacking your refrigerator in the
     middle of the night, or having to separate them when they’re wrestling on the floor
     . . .” A deep sigh lifted her shoulders. “Of course, my husband was still alive then,
     so I wasn’t completely on my own. But after Jared was killed, he retreated into himself
     so much that . . . I might as well have been alone.”
    “That must have been a very difficult time.”
    “It was. I miss my husband more than I can ever express. And losing my firstborn almost
     took me down. But I’m learning that I can always carry them with me in my heart and
     my memories.” She paused, and the look of utter loss that darkened her light features
     was enough to break Charli’s heart.
    “A few days ago,” she continued, “I told Reno we all have to move on. He’s fallen
     into an emotional rabbit hole, and, well . . . I guess I’m going to have to lead by
     example. That’s why I came here tonight. I’m ready to take a step into the future.”
    “Good for you.” Charli gave her hands a squeeze.
    “You’ve inspired me. I’ve decided to make over my house. Give it some new life. Starting
     with my bedroom. My husband, bless his heart, took the Western lifestyle literally.
     While I do love the ranch style, I’m ready for something a little more romantic. And
     maybe a little . . . fun. So it’s good-bye to John Wayne, hello to the new me. Whoever
     that is.”
    The design rebel in Charli exploded with ideas, and she hadn’t even seen Jana’s house
     yet. “I’d love to help.”
    “Oh, sugarplum, bless your heart. Y’all have got enough on your plate.” She glanced
     away and came back with a grin. “But maybe if I could ask your advice now and then?”
    “It would be my honor. Maybe I could come by and help you put together a plan. Then
     you could get those big strapping sons of yours to give you a hand.”
    Jana’s perfectly arched brows lifted. “Are you sure you don’t mind?”
    “Are you kidding? This will be an absolute blast. Nothing would make me happier than
     to help you take the steps toward your new future.”
    Blue eyes so different from her oldest son’s brightened. “Then it’s a deal. But only
     if you let me repay you by inviting you to our big summer barbecue. You and your entire
     crew are welcome.”
    “We accept.” Charli thought of all the things that could go wrong if she showed up
     and invaded Reno’s space again. Though her self-imposed ban on the other sex loudly
     protested, something inside her tingled with the idea that maybe something could also
     go very right.
    A Texas sunrise was really no different than a Memphis or Hawaiian sunrise. But something
     in those gleaming golden rays made

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