Another Piece of My Heart

Another Piece of My Heart by Jane Green

Book: Another Piece of My Heart by Jane Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Green
Tags: Fiction, Contemporary Women
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Mexico. They don’t have a sitter for their two children, Griffin and Sydney, who is one of Sophia’s best friends, but they have a cook and a cleaner who come every day.
    Andi had no idea how much money they had until they invited her and Ethan skiing. That they were traveling for free on Steve’s jet was jaw-dropping, then to see Tess and Steve’s wooden house, tucked into the mountain, walls of glass with spectacular views, was awe-inspiring.
    “They must be worth fortunes!” Andi whispered to Ethan that night as they showered in Tess’s marble bathroom, laying their clothes on her freshly laundered Pratesi sheets.
    “They are.” Ethan laughed. “You didn’t know? Steve is one of the biggest names in the dot-com field. Even I know who he is, and I’m just a landscaper.”
    “Wow. I just didn’t expect … I don’t know. She seems so normal. They’re so … unpretentious. I always think people with vast amounts of money must be dripping with diamonds and driving Maseratis.”
    “That’s because you’re a New Yorker.” Ethan smiled. “Out here in California, you can never tell. That’s the beauty of living here. That’s why I’ll never leave.”
    Deanna is a yoga teacher and, of late, Andi’s closest friend, the one to whom she turns if ever she needs to talk. Tall and willowy, she has curly blond hair that is always haphazardly shoved up on the top of her head with a large spider clip.
    Ten years ago, Deanna became a Buddhist, and has always been the calm one of the group, the girl who listens instead of shouting everyone else down in their exuberance and excitement, the one who thoughtfully and calmly imparts words of wisdom.
    She has one child, Francesca, whom Sophia was superfriendly with in fourth grade, before they went their separate ways. Deanna and Andi have been trying to get the girls together ever since, but neither of them shows much of an interest in the other, and their mothers have accepted that if it is meant to be, it will be, and that it need not have an impact on the independent friendship they have forged.
    Sophia turned to Andi just the other day and suggested having Deanna and Francesca over for tea.
    “I thought you weren’t friendly with Francesca anymore,” Andi said as Sophia shrugged.
    “I’m not really, but I think we should try because our moms are so friendly.”
    Andi had started, in shock. “Your mom’s friendly with Deanna?”
    “No!” Sophia laughed. “I mean you!” A warm glow filled Andi’s heart as she put her arms around Sophia and gave her a hug. If only this beautiful child were enough, she thought. If only she could be happy with having these children, but the beauty of Sophia only makes her want a child of her own even more.
    When her period is due, she is stressed and nervous, praying that it won’t come, praying for the blue line. Deanna was the one who gently suggested Andi would benefit from yoga. Although Andi does, from time to time, attend classes, she doesn’t really get it. Andi lives on nervous energy: constantly moving; constantly doing. When she exercises, she likes to feel it, and with everything going on in her life, she doesn’t have the time for exercise.
    Or perhaps she just can’t be bothered.
    Either way, yoga has always seemed too damn slow. She finds herself pushing up in downward dog and fighting the irritation. Bored now. She wants to move.
    *   *   *
    The first time Andi went to an event at the school, a school play, she stood in the reception area, sick with nerves, not knowing any of the other parents and aware of the looks she was getting, aware that she was, as the new girlfriend, an intruder. A few yards away, she caught the eye of a wiry blond woman who flashed a huge smile at her and beckoned her over.
    I love her, she thought instantly, drawn by the twinkle in her eye. I have no idea who this woman is, but I want to be friends with her.
    Tess’s warmth enveloped Andi like a comforting blanket; they

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